Living in a me centered world!

We live in a me centered world, where everything we do seems to be about us.  We look at our purpose in this world as becoming a better or more successful person.  We go to school for years to get smarter and to get ahead of the next person.  Sometimes we go to the extreme of railroading others to achieve the success that we desire.  Sadly this idea has been adopted by many who are Christ followers.  We make life about us.  Here is how it takes place...

"I don't like to listen to so and so preach because his sermons are boring"
"Traditional style of worship doesn't do much for me!"
"I can't stand those new contemporary songs and by the way the drums are too loud!"
"Why would I give 10 percent of my own money to the church!"
"My life is too chaotic to spend time with God!"

Life is all about God, after all he created us and desires us to glorify His Name, but we have made life more about us than about God.  You see, if God were truly at the center of our life, then it would affect our checkbook, broken relationships, attitude towards worship and the church, what we do with the time God has given us, the opportunities would not be so easily wasted, we would not get so easily offended, and the list could go on.  We need to be people who echo the words of John the Baptist..."He (Jesus) must become greater, and I must become less!"  I would challenge you to think about what it means to live a God-centered life and begin moving in that direction.  Its all about Him! 


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