1 John 5:6-8

"This is the one who came by water and blood - Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and by blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement." 1 John 5:6-8

This is a very confusing passage and I honestly can not say for sure what it is, but here is what I believe the Spirit is revealing to me as I sit here and meditate on this awhile. Through out the book of 1 John, John has been addressing false doctrine about the person of Jesus. This false doctrine taught that Jesus was not actual flesh and blood, but a spirit. In their view (the material is bad and the spiritual is good), there was no way that the Son of God could come in the flesh. He had to be spiritual. I believe John is affirming that Jesus came by water (born into this world through a birth process) and He physically died and rose again in the flesh. Jesus was a being who was human in every way as God intended and the Spirit of God testifies to this. The three testimonies are in agreement, but to what do they agree? They agree that Jesus, the Son of God, was indeed God in the flesh! His birth was a witness of His flesh and divinity! Just take some time to read the account and ask yourself the question, "how many babies do you know that several shepherds and wise men fell at the babies feet to worship and whose birth was announced by angels?" It was unmistakable that this baby was God in the flesh! His death was evidence that He was man by the blood that flowed but also a testimony to His deity as well. Look at the event immediately following His death (earthquake, splitting of the temple veil, darkness) not to mention His victorious resurrection. Thomas touched His flesh and exclaimed "my Lord and my God." Thomas had no issue with the idea of God being in the flesh! And there is the Spirit who dwells within the believer who confirms these things to be truth! We are not just privileged with the written account of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but we are blessed with the Spirit! He guides us into all truth and bears witness to the authenticity of Jesus, who is the Son of God in the flesh!

God, thank You for sending Your Spirit to be a witness to the truth about Your Son, Jesus! He has certainly affirmed the things that I read from Your Word and helps me to understand truth. Thank You for revealing to me this passage! There is no commentary with the accuracy and reliability of Your Spirit, I just pray that I am a good listener and don't allow my sinfulness to twist Your words. Thank You Jesus!


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