1 John 4:16-18

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like Him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:16-18

This is the real freedom that we have as Christ followers! To know and embrace that God has loved us with a perfect love and has called us to live a life of love brings complete freedom. Jesus Christ was the perfect example of a human who lived a life of love. He had compassion on people when it wasn't convenient for Him, He healed the broken, had patient with His followers, and ultimately took upon Himself the punishment for sin that we deserved. "There is no greater love than a man that lays His life down for His friends!" We are called to live the life of Christ, a life of love! When these two things come together, there is complete freedom. This is perfect love and it does cast out all fear! Why? Because of the great love of God, those who prove to be genuine followers of Christ (by their love) are seen as perfect or righteous or like Jesus. We will not be judged for our sin because its been paid for and we have a new identity before God. I have been discussing life issues with some who do not believe that there is a God and they always get hung up on the guilt thing. They think Christianity is all about guilt. While I understand what they are saying and agree that many Christians live a life of guilt, true Christianity is not a life of guilt. It is true that the Holy Spirit uses guilt to lead you back to fellowship with God when you do sin, but there is no fear of eternal guilt. I will not be held accountable for my sin because it has been paid for. This does not mean I will do whatever I want, because I wouldn't be living a life of love and probably wouldn't be a genuine Christ follower now would I. If you fear punishment on judgment day then you have missed the point of the Gospel and have not been made complete in love. Live the life you've been called to...A Life of Love! Love God/Love People!

God, this morning I come to you and thank you for loving me with a love that is so deep and powerful that it casts away all fear! To know that I live in Your love, because I live in You, is very freeing for me! It is strange to the world, but I am most free when I am serving You and living the life You have called me to live. Help me to genuinely love people today in all of my interactions. Whether it be at home, work, or the community, help me to love my neighbor just as Jesus did. Thank You God...The Lover of my soul!


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