1 John 4:13-15

"We know that we live in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in Him and He in God." 1 John 4:13-15

Sometimes I am envious of John because of his situation. He can testify first hand that Jesus came to be the Savior of the world. He was there when God spoke from heaven, "This is my Son, in Him I am well pleased." He was there to witness the incredible miracles of Jesus, and wrote them down. He was there at the transfiguration, and witnessed Jesus die on the cross. He saw the resurrected Jesus first hand and was a part of Pentecost. He knows the truth because He witnessed the truth. I was not there...I never saw Jesus in the flesh...I have never experienced a Pentecost type of experience, but I do understand the confirmation of the Holy Spirit. I know that I live in Christ because of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8 tells us that the "Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we our the children of God." Certainly I have the testimony of God's Word, but its that testifying ministry of the Holy Spirit that seals it up for me. God's Word is questioned all the time, and lets be honest, we believe the Word by faith. Now I believe the Word has proved itself to be reliable and authoritative, and I have no reason not to think that it isn't God's revelation of Himself, but ultimately I believe it by faith. Sometimes I think to myself, "Am I placing my faith in Christ based on a book that could be wrong", but then I can't ignore the Spirit of God and His ministry in my life. As a result of His ministry, I firmly stand on the authority and reliability of God's Word as a living and breathing document that reveals God and transforms people. If faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what you do not see, then by faith, I know I am in Christ and He is in me!

God, I acknowledge that Jesus is Your Son and that You have sent Him into the world to be our Savior and that He now is at Your right hand as my Lord. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit! Thank You for His ministry in my life! God, I long to see You and to see with my eyes the truth, but You have called me to walk by faith and have given me the Spirit to testify about the truth. You are the Great and Mighty One! Your love endures forever!


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