Glorify God?

What does it mean to glorify God? That is a question that seems to have many different responses from incredibly smart and God-fearing men. John Piper might say that God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him! While I agree that God is glorified when we find our satisfaction in Him, I often think about what brings the most glory to God. I am going to throw out a concept. God is most glorified when we are most like Jesus. If there was anyone who gave glory to the Father, it was Jesus. He is the perfect example of what it means to glorify God, and it seems to make sense to me that the more like Jesus we become, the more glory we bring to the Father! What does it mean to become like Him? I don't know if I have a perfectly formulated answer for that question, but I think about it in terms that I get. I want to love the things that He loves, hate the things that He hates, be broken over the things that He is broken over, excited about the things He is excited about, find joy in the things He finds joy in, be obedient in the way He was obedient, think the way He thought, look at people the way He looked at people, and laugh at the things He would laugh at! I want to serve like He served, love like He loved, and obey like He obeyed! I want to be like Him in character and in my thinking. I want to conform to His likeness, while falling on my face before Him in worship! Am I like Christ? No!...but I want to be! My journey to the likeness of Christ is difficult, because at every bend there is my flesh lurking in the shadows waiting for a vulnerable time, and because I have an enemy who is like a Lion. It's tough, but not impossible, because the one who is in me is greater than He who is in the world. God has given me everything I need for this journey...a compass (His Word), a Guide (The Holy Spirit), and companions (His Church), now its up to me to exercise a little faith! That seems to be the chink in my armor many times! During times of vulnerability, it is my faith that is weak! So God, I pray for strong faith, even in my very vulnerable times!


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