1 John 4:19-21

"We love because He first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And He has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother." 1 John 4:19-21

John is speaking to motive in this passage. I do not believe John is saying that we have the capability to love now that we are followers of Christ, because I believe others, who don't know Christ, love all the time, but rather he is saying that the reason we love is because God first loved us. Our life is wrapped up in Christ, and we are called to become conformed to His likeness...to love like He loved in this case. Why is it that you cannot love God if you hate your brother? Because love is an essential fruit of a transformed life! In the context John is talking about loving your brother. I do not think he is not talking about a biological brother, but he is using that term as a common reference to those who are Christ followers. Why should we love them? Because they are such great people? No! Because we've been commanded to? No! Because it will make us feel good about ourselves? No! We should love them simply because God first loved us and set us an example to follow. God loves them, therefore, I love them. God values them, therefore I value them! Christ did not come into the world to condemn the world, therefore I do not condemn the world! God came to seek and to save the lost, therefore, I lead people to that Savior! Its about becoming like Christ! What are my motives when showing love? What is my mindset toward others inside the Body of Christ? What is it towards those outside? Love is more than just actions shown, it is a state of being. Actions flow from a heart that genuinely cares for and values other people! Evaluate your motives and mindset today and ask God to help you to love like Christ!

God, I sit here and evaluate my motives and mindset for loving others, and I honestly struggle sometimes with looking at people the way you do. I seem to take it personal sometimes when people reject You or are in rebellion toward You. This seems ridiculous because Your love was demonstrated to those who were in rebellion to You. Help me to look at people the way You do and show love to others the way Christ would. Keep me from thinking too highly of myself, but rather help me to see myself with sober judgment. You've called me to love like Jesus, teach me what this means and give me the grace to carry it through! I desperately need Your help for I am way to selfish!


Anonymous said…
dad i really feel moved by your words.

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