I Love the Gospel... Just Not Enough to Share It...???

Perhaps one of the hardest things to do in a believer's life is to open up with others about the gospel.  It is interesting that many of us would claim to love the Gospel, but baulk at the idea of sharing the good news of a rescuer with someone else.  Research seems to indicate that less than 5% of Christians actively share the message of the Gospel with someone.  Further research seems to indicate that a person generally hears the gospel a tad less than eight times before responding to the Gospel.
What is the Gospel?  Simply put, it is the good news that God sent His Son, Jesus, down to earth to rescue people from their state of condemnation, and bring them into a reconciled relationship with God through His death on a cross and resurrection from the grave.  It is impossible for man to get to God, and so God came to us... bore the penalty for our sin... and defeated death!  People can be free from condemnation, not on the basis of the good they have done, but rather on the basis of what God has done through the cross and empty tomb.  That is the Gospel.  It is beautiful news!
So why are we so scared about sharing it?  Let me offer a challenge that will not feel real good to most, but I think it needs to be considered.  Without a doubt fear is the biggest obstacle to sharing faith with others.  It is usually not the fear that people will find out that you're a Christian, but the fear that they may see you as ignorant (because you can't answer their questions), crazy (because you don't want to be lumped into the Westboro type people), or they may distance themselves from you.  Regardless of the fear, and there are many others, are they not all rooted in some semblance of self preservation.  We don't mind living like Jesus in front of people, because being kind, thoughtful, respectful, and humble usually doesn't offend people.  But the message of the Gospel can be and likely will be offensive.  It will be offensive by the very fact that it is exclusive.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me (John 14:6)."  This is a difficult concept to swallow for most people, but not to those who have experienced the life changing relationship with Jesus.
Bottom line, what is it that we are communicating about the Gospel by not sharing it with others because of our perceived need of self-preservation?  Are we not saying that my need to protect myself is greater than my neighbor's, co-worker's, friend's, or family member's need to be rescued from their state of condemnation?
One last thought, when you do talk to others about Jesus and His Gospel, do so with gentleness and respect.  I have never seen anyone argued into heaven... plant the seed and let God work the garden.


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