1 John 4:7-12

"Dear, friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:7-12

John gives us clear direction in this passage to love another. By loving one another, we give people the best visible evidence of a loving God! Love is a benchmark in your relationship with Christ, as a matter of fact, John says clearly that if you don't love then you don't know God. Is John just blowing smoke? Of course not! We, who claim to be followers of Christ, ought to love one another! It is part of our spiritual DNA. We have a problem with this though...Sometimes we don't show love to each other and we act as if we don't even like each other. No wonder the world is confused about God! Its bad enough that Satan has had his influence, but we do not help by the way we treat each other in the church. How many conflicts do you see in the church between believers? How many churches have split as a result of conflict? How many followers of Christ practice genuine community on a deep/love level? This goes back to something I wrote earlier this week. We are too self absorbed to love one another. We don't want to lay down our pride, our agenda, our dreams, our time, or our energy to genuinely care for one another. If we did genuinely care for one another, what would it look like? Take some time today and reflect on that question.

God, help me to love those within the church with a genuine and deep sense of care. Help me to put away selfish ambitions to pursue what is best and right! I know I struggle with this at times because I get focused on what I want to do. Renew my mind and help me to think differently...to think biblically about life. You are good, thanks for Your expression of love when you sent Jesus to lay down His life in my place. You are worthy to be praised!


David Seals said…
A friend left teaching at a Christian school after 20 years, saying of the students, "They spend so much time knowing how to be right, that they don't know how to be good." I think this is an apt observation. Studying the Bible doesn't necessarily make you a loving person. Nor, I would argue, does trying to suppress yourself. Rather, loving begins when you stop thinking about yourself altogether.

I wonder if so much emphasis on a "personal walk" in modern Christianity connotes a kind of well-intentioned narcissism that gives our relationships a slightly mercenary quality. For example, in trying to be loving toward others, we're actually thinking more about our own fulfullment of the injunction to love, rather than really loving that person. This makes other people merely expedients to our Christian growth, rather than amazing people to explore. In reality, loving people should be simple: it begins when you choose to take a genuine interest in them. And then, de facto, God's love is made complete in you. What do you think?
Jon Pickens said…
David, I agree! My fear is that we have made Christianity about ourselves rather than about God. To serve Him simply because we are a servant, not to get something out of it. People talk about serving because it makes them feel good about themselves, or they worship because it makes them feel good, and I just want to scream and say, "Its not about you!" I agree that people become a means to the end of selfish ambition even with the best of intentions. We have to relearn what it means to love God, be loved by God, and love our neighbor! Thanks for your insight! We need to get together for dinner again!
DaveH said…
Well stated David and John. Hey John, is it always dinner time with you?

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