Philippines 2010 (Thursday April 29th)

Last day of camp! Ministry was coming to an end this day with everyone. It was the last day for Girls Camp, Basketball Camp, and Pastor Mike's Small Group Training.

We started out the morning with devotions with Pastor Mike about judging other people and then ate breakfast. I don't know what they use in the pancake batter but it is incredible! I could eat those things all day! We then left for the church around 8:30am.

When we got to the church, I had a quick Skype session with Trish, uploaded some pictures to facebook and then headed out with the guys to visit a home that was burnt down. We provided money to rebuild this house. I will add the picture if Dan gets back with his camera cord so I can download the pictures from my camera to the computer. It was a family of 5 (dad, mom, and 3 kids). They were incredibly gratefully for what we were doing for them. The dad was doing the actual building and we noticed he stilled need some materials and a couple of tools, so we went shopping. While in the SM (Shoe Mart), which is one of three malls that I know of in the area, I picked up a few basketball nets. We ate at KFC and went shopping for more stuff. We delivered the materials and then headed for the new property. I couldn't wait to get out of the van because it was so hot.

Once at the new property, I put the new nets on and set up for the last day at camp. Camp went really well. We had a 5 on 5 tournament after the small group devotions, and it was a lot of fun to watch. For the most part, I was busy with the administration aspect of camp gearing up for our closing program. I could not have made it through the day without the help of Roxanne. She was a blessing for sure. She wrote out all the certificates. Pastor Nigel helped keep all the tournament stuff straight and the other guys refereed games while rotating. We did a three game round robin with 8 teams and then had a single elimination tournament. It was a blast. We played the final game as a part of the closing, and gave out the certificates and awards. I spoke briefly on fixing our eyes on Jesus and we ate together. After the meal we gave out balls and everyone headed out. Paul was with me all day but it was hard for him since there was no one there that he could communicate with. We took a cab back to the guest house for the night.

I noticed this morning that my neck was a bit red! Trish, I promise to use the sun screen! lol What a blessing it was to work with Pastor Jeremy (I hope I spelled that right) and his team of young men. I am very excited about what the Lord is going to do in the lives of these young men and lady... I believe that Mark, one of the young men helping out, is a gifted leader and has a very sensitive spirit to the things of the Lord. He has been discipled well! All the trainers there were super! If any of you are reading this blog, I just want to say thanks for blessing my life this week!

P.S. - Dan didn't come!

Well, that's all for now... no time! Be home in 4 days... Starting to miss my family!


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