Philippines 2010 (Tuesday April 27th)

Rise and shine! I was up early yesterday thinking it was 4:30am. So I got my stuff quietly out of the room and headed down stairs. I looked at my Ipod and quickly realized that though my body was awake, it was only 2:30 in the morning... uhggg! I proceeded to the living room to blog, check my email, chat with my family, and spend some time in God's Word. I intended to go back to bed, but didn't have time before our devotional time at 6:30am. By the way, I need to hunt down a chord for my camera to insert pictures, that is why I haven't included any.

Our devotion yesterday was about how rejecting people is an expression of selfishness. Pastor Mike is doing a great job with the devotional time! It was a reminder to me how I always need to hold my heart in check, because I know its deceptive and that there is a war taking place for its devotion. Is my heart for God and His creation (people) or is it for myself?

After devotions, we ate breakfast... French Toast (my personal favorite)! The Wilkinson family joined us for breakfast again. It might be their last morning joining us because they are busy getting packed to see family over in the states for a while. Karen, Paul, Lois, and Barb had to be at church early so we had to be ready by 7:30am. Lito was not there, so that crew caught a cab while everyone else waited. I took off with Steve Wilkinson to see he and Barb's home in the Philippines. It was fantastic! They have definitely made a home away from home! Steve then took me to MCBC. The traffic was terrible due to a parade for one of the Presidential candidates.

We finally got to MCBC but the rest of the team had not yet arrived. This is a great story. The previous evening, someone on the team called "Lito" (he is our driver). They found a number at the mission house for "Lito" and asked for him to be ready to pick them up at 7:30am. Well he didn't show up. Finally "Lito" called and was at the wrong place, so he proceeded to the mission house. So a guy shows up at the mission house and the team starts asking questions. "Do you know where Lito is?"... he responds "I'm Lito"... the team: "Did Lito call you to pick us up?"... he says "I'm Lito" this goes on for a few minutes until Pastor Mike stops everyone and they realize that they had called the wrong "Lito" the night before. It was pretty funny! I am sure the substitute "Lito" was thinking, "these Americans are nuts!"

When I got to the church I began preparing the lesson for the next day so that the small group leaders could prepare. Then Pastor Nigel and I took off to go shopping. The Lord put a burden on my heart to outfit the worship team so that they had control of the sound from the sound board. The drums can be too loud for people in the room that they have their service in, and it has become a distraction for some. We shopped around for a couple of hours before we bought an electric drum set (Roland V-Drum TD-9K) and some cables and direct boxes. They were not expecting this, but it was a vision they had and a need as well. They have to transport their acoustic set multiple times a week from the sanctuary to the studio and back again just to practice. I helped them transport it and it was no easy task. With all the stuff we got, they are now able to control the sound for the drums, keyboard, and the acoustic guitar. Everything was run by amps expect the drums of course. This provides less equipment on stage, less power being used, and more control of the sound. It was a blessing to give!

Because of shopping, I did not get to basketball until right at 3pm. We had devotions and played games the whole time. I think we are going to have a three on three tournament today. It was a great day at camp and the Lord brought clouds and a breeze again. The Filipinos keep telling me that this is unusual... Thank you Jesus!

I have continued to have great conversations with Pastor Nigel. It has been a blessing to connect with him so much this year.

After camp I played Bball with the trainers for a little bit and then I headed off to church. I had to play Goliath for Paul's lesson at deaf camp. I was equipped with a shield made of a round metal tray, a foam sword, armor draped over me with one of those coverings for windshields that block the sun, and my personal favorite... a helmet compliments of the Wilkinson's kitchen. I wore a metal strainer on my head. Pastor Mike did a training for small group leaders from 6 to about 7:30pm and deaf camp ended about 9pm. Pastor Mike, Karen, Paul, and I headed back to the mission house exhausted from the day. I showered, watched a little NBA, and went to bed.

I haven't talked to Jenny or Tiffany about camp for girls, but I overheard Jenny say that it was going great! They are really working well together!


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