Philippines 2010 (Friday April 30th)

Lets Celebrate! Sorry I didn't blog until late, but I enjoyed sleeping in!!! It was much needed. Devotions were at 6:30am and breakfast at 7:00.

We then took off to the new property at 8:30am to celebrate three weddings of those in their congregation. It was a great experience! They really decorated nicely and everything and everyone was beautiful. I have to say that could not wait to get out of long pants!!! Paul had on black pants... poor guy! The wedding was very Filipino and was fascinating to watch. The music was good. I love to hear Mae sing... she has a beautiful voice! Funny story during the wedding. Rita was hot and several people were trying to cool her down, so Pastor Nigel asked me how she was doing. Well, I wasn't sure and she was two rows up from me with Karen. Paul was beside me was in my brilliance I leaned over and started whispering to Paul to sign Karen to see how Rita was doing. I started the process and quickly realized that you can't whisper to someone who can't hear. Dumb moment for me! I was laughing at myself for sure! The wedding was not long but very powerful! They really put a lot of responsibility on the man for being the head of the home.

After the wedding and pictures, we had a lunch celebration. The food was excellent! I had some kind of beef things that were out of this world. I also tried chicken feet! They were really weird looking, and guess what they tasted like... chicken lol! After the meal I sat around and talked to the young people for quite awhile. We talked about many things and they attempted to teach me some more Cebuano. I am sure they got a good laugh listening to me trying to enunciate the words. Then we had dances! Got some good video footage of this. We had a lot of fun. Its always great to witness Filipino culture. They just love being around each other.

Some of us left to go back to the guest house for a few hours, and then went to the church for prayer meeting and a baby dedication. It was a facinating time together. I was refreshing to hear kids pray aloud with adults... it was an inter-generational service for sure!

After the baby dedication for Pastor Hermie and Madel who dedicated their daughter, Rhema, we went to the new property for some more celebration. Today was certainly a day of celebration!

Got to go for now! Share more profound thoughts later.


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