Philippines 2010 (Sunday April 25th)

Sunday was a long but very exciting day for me. In the morning, we did our normal thing... devotions at 6:30am and breakfast at 7am. We had pancakes, a mango, and some type of sausage thingy (wasn't a big fan of the meat). The pancakes were incredible and boy did the mango hit the spot. Yes! Be jealous! It was delicious!

We headed of for church about 8:30. When we got there some of the team and Barb Wilkinson headed into the service in Cebuano and for the deaf children. I went down stairs and hung out in the corridor of the main entrance. I sat down and took some pictures and kids were flocking around. I met a little friend named Daniel and I am not sure the little girls name. Their smiles were so big and precious! After greeting people as they came in with a simple phrase... Mayu buntag (I am sure I misspelled that) which means good morning in Cebuano. Then I headed up stairs to the main service. The worship was a mix of Cebuano and English and Pastor Boy preached on James 1:17-25 (I think). It was a great service for sure.

After the service Pastor Nigel invited me to help with the worship in the evening for YJam (their youth service) which I was thrilled about. It is so much fun playing with such talented musicians. We then took off to a new mall in Mandaue called Park Mall near the church for some fine dinning. That was the name of the restaurant... Fine Dinning. It was a buffet and we feed 19 people for very little money.

After lunch, I went back to the church to wait for a meeting about the basketball camp. I ended up talking with Pastor Jeremie about the camp before we met with the trainers. We nailed down our plan and ended up in a little Praise and Worship jam session. It was Pastor Jeremie, Pastor Jeck, and Jim Boy... we played and sang songs for nearly an hour! It was a very sweet time of quieting my heart before God and lifting up His name with three other men who absolutely love the Lord! It was so encouraging. We meet with the trainers at 3pm and then went right into worship team practice for YJam. Let me tell you, the worship team was excellent. Jim Boy is one of the most talented guys I know on the electric guitar. The struggle I had was the fact that they don't use lead sheets. Every thing was learned by memory and by ear. You can imagine that I struggled. Not used to that! It felt like I was playing with a Hillsong CD. They were amazing! They put up with me! haha! Y Jam was well attended. Many young people were there (the room was nearly full) and they sang their hearts out. It was great!

After YJam, we had a little jam session ourselves. They allowing me to sing and name the songs and I found it so difficult because I depend on lead sheets so much. But we had fun none the less. My goal is to teach them several Steve Fee songs while I am here. Its pretty easy to teach them because all they have to do is here it once and they know how to play it... I am so jealous! haha!

I took about 15 young people or so to the hanging rice place to eat dinner and headed home. I got back to the Mission House at 8:30 or so and sat around and talked to the team members. It was a fantastic day and acutely aware of God's presence the whole day. The people here encourage me in my walk with the Lord so much, and I would like to think I am returning the blessing! Well, that's it for now! God Bless!


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