Philippines 2010 (Wednesday April 28th)

Its gonna be a hot one! Wednesday was a scorcher! It was very hot and the sun was blazing... Pastor Nigel even said it was a hot one, and if it was hot for him, well you can just imagine what it was like for us. haha! We survived lol!

Wednesday was a busy day for everyone, it started with devotions about gossip and then we moved to the table for breakfast where we enjoyed some very tasty eggs and bacon. We left the mission house at 8:30am (no communication problems today), but the van stalled as soon as we tried to take off. It wouldn't crank, so we had to push it to jump start it. Oh the wonders of having a stick shift where you can pop the clutch!

When we arrived at church, Paul and Karen went to deaf camp, Jenny and Tiffany were getting things together for the girls camp, and everyone else was just kind of hanging out. I had to print out the small group lessons when Nigel told me they had fixed their internet, so I got on and Skyped my family. The connection was so good that I went and found Jochepos (our sponsored child) and I let him communicate with everyone. Its the first time he got to meet Tori and Caleb. It was fun because it was a video chat where they could communicate by the chat feature. It was such a blessing to watch them chat with each other.

After that, Dan, Mike, and I took off for the new property with Pastor Hermie, Pastor Boy, Pastor Nigel, and Lito (I think this is the correct spelling). By the way... just a shout out to Jimboy who informed me that their was no space between Jim and boy lol! Love ya bro! At the new property we helped mix concrete to pour 10 covers for their drainage system there, and then cleaned up a block making machine that Pastor Mike had bought for them years ago. We were not sure how it worked but Leto had a friend who used the same machine. We went to lunch at McDonalds where everything is smaller portions, and went to see a demonstration of how the machine worked. It was quiet fascinating!

When we got back, they had a birthday celebration at the new property for their CSP (Child Survival Program) ministry. Mommas and their babies (several who were only like five days old) were there for the celebration. CSP goal is to increase the survival rate for new borne children through offering training and assistance to mothers who have given birth. Many babies die from neglect or basic health issues which they are trying to address.

Basketball Camp started at the end of the Birthday Celebration... Oh speaking of birthdays, Rita Rogers turned 77 on Wednesday! We sang to her many times throughout the day... it was fun! Back to basketball. We had our devotions and then had a three on three tournament with the boys. One of the smaller team of guys won the tournament and you know what their name was... "2Big". How funny! After the tournament the deaf came to play a game against the trainers and me. It was a blast, although the beat us pretty bad! It was a lot of fun.

Jenny and Tiffany had a "True Love Waits" type of experience with the girls at girls camp. They made their own rings and then had a ceremony. It went really well!

For dinner we went to a Filipino grill and then had a little "R and R"! lol

Devotions are are about to begin this morning so I got to go! Out...


Trish said…
The kids were beaming after meeting Jochepos (since we are correcting spellings :) )

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