1 John 4:1

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have come into the world."  1 John 4:1

John encourages us to be careful when it comes to being led by the spiritual world.  Many have and will continue to make claims that the Spirit of God has directed them in a certain way or have told them certain things.  John basically tells the reader to not be so naive.  We are to test the spirits to see if it is from God or not.  This is a very important process that does not need to be taken lightly.  If it is from God... then it should move you to action, and if it is not... you should distance yourself from it.  Most of the time when something doesn't feel right to us we immediately label it as something not of God.  While that may be true some if not most of the time, it is possible for us to miss out on what God is doing due to the enemies influence.  We need to put these things to the test, both the things that excite us and the things that make us feel uncomfortable.  Tomorrow John will get into how to test the spirits, but you need to be challenged with the importance of it first!

God, as I sit here and type, I am reminded of many things in my life that I am uncomfortable with!  I am incredibly excited about following You wherever Your Spirit may lead, but I am incredibly cautious to make sure it is your Spirit leading.  Give me a spirit of discernment that I might know and embrace Your direction!  Thank You, Lord!


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