2 Cor. 5:21

"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."  2 Cor. 5:21

What a glorious exchange talked about here in this verse.  I've been thinking about this exchange for awhile now and cannot get enough of it!  To think that God sent His only Son into this world as a baby, and living into His early thirties.  Having never sinned, thus being totally righteous.  He willingly laid down His life so that He might take my sin in exchange for His righteousness.  You see sin is what destroyed our right relationship with God.  We are unrighteous because of sin and that has completely separated us from God because God is righteous!  A righteous God requires us to be righteous in order to have a right relationship with Him.  The only way that God could make us righteous and not violate His character was to offer a payment for sin that would make us righteous as well.  The answer...Jesus, God's only Son!  He took my place!  He paid a debt that I owed!  He gave to me His righteousness, so that I would have a right relationship with Him!  That is love!  That is grace!  That is my Savior!

God, thank you for sending your Son to take my place and make me right in your eyes.  I know I don't deserve this gift and I am eternally grateful for this gift!  Remind me constantly of your incredible provision of love and grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus!  I love you!


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