1 John 3:21-24

"Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask, because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him. And this is His command: to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us. Those who obey His commands live in Him, and He in them. And this is how we know that He lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us." 1 John 3:21-24

Have you ever been asked to pray when you were rebelling against God on an issue? I have and it's so empty! When I am gratifying the desires of my sinful nature...struggling with such things as pride, selfishness, or lust...I find it difficult at best to pray. I feel shame in my relationship with God because I know I have dishonored Him! In those times, I have quenched the Holy Spirit's ministry in my life and have turned a deaf ear to His voice. I do not live by the Spirit during these battles, I live in the flesh. It affects all my other relationships as well. I do not want to be around people that, by the mere presence, remind me of my sin. Is it a surprise that I can not pray during those times? No! There is a definite connection between prayer and obedience to God. Can we expect God to honor our request if we are not honoring Him? Do you think God needs you that He will give you what you ask so that He won't lose you? God honors our requests for one reason...We have honored Him. I will be so bold as to say that we don't see God moving powerfully through the prayers of His people, because His people are dishonoring Him. Even in the church, it seems, that sin is no big deal, and we have gone down a path of desensitizing ourselves to what is honorable and what is dishonorable in the name of freedom! How can we expect God to move? Maybe WE should move! Move in a direction back to Him! To seek out what is honorable and let go of what is not! These are tough decisions that many will not be willing to make. Why? Because it will mean giving up something that pleases their sinful nature that, if they give up, their life would be boring (or so they think). I need to make many of those tough decisions! I know it's necessary and I will do it! Seek to honor Him, and see if He does not honor your prayers!

God, You are teaching me so much! Somethings are reminders and somethings are fresh and challenging. I know what I need to do, help me to do it! May I eliminate all that is dishonoring to You and pursue that which is honorable. You are wanting to bless your people with power from on high, but we are denying that power. Sometimes I think that all we have is a form of godliness. May You become greater and I become less!


Anonymous said…
dad you are doing great in your blog i've learned a lot
Anonymous said…
love ya dad got to go study spelling

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