So Can A Christian Sin?

I am answering this question from last week's blog. It's an interesting one that, honestly, I am struggling with. At face value, the Apostle John seems very clear when he says such things as..."No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning" (1 John 3:6) or "No one who is born of God continues to sin." (1 John 3:9) What is he saying? Earlier in this same letter he writes..."My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if you anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense - Jesus Christ, the Righteous One." (1 John 2:10) This verse makes it clear that a Christian can sin, but evidently sin was a big issue in the church at the time. Many scholars agree that this letter was written in response to Gnostic teachings which promoted sin. They believed that the flesh was evil and the spirit was good, so it didn't matter what you did in the body. In other words, do what ever you want in the flesh because it's evil anyway. If this is true, then it seems possible and plausible, that John is countering that teaching by making the point that sin is a big deal. He would be explaining to the reader that you can't just go on sinning and anyone with that mindset does not know the true God. When a person comes to Christ their purpose is to glorify God. The best way to bring glory to God is by your obedience to righteousness. Living in continual disobedience does not bring glory to God and is evidence that a person doesn't get it. Personally I believe John maybe trying to move the reader toward a healthy fear of God. God has to punish sin and He did so at the expense of His Son. When you brush off sin as no big deal and come crawling back to the cross because you know God will forgive you...When you abuse the grace of God for your own does God respond? I don't know! Is He angry because you keep stomping on His love and Grace? Is He saddened by your lack of gratitude toward what Jesus did on the cross? I don't know! Maybe a lot of both! There is one thing for certain that John is teaching...SIN IS A BIG DEAL! So I would encourage you to move toward a healthy fear of God when it comes to sin! Sin matters, even if you know Him as Savior. Don't justify, rationalize, or gloss over your sin! Stop sinning! This is the message I believe John is making, after all he says..."I write this to you so that you will not sin."

God, I come to You this morning, knowing that John is writing to me. I have a tendency to gloss over sin at times. I choose to gratify my sinful desires then to embrace to love of Christ. I need a healthy dose of fear! Forgive me for my sin and rebellion! Forgive me for trampling your love and grace. May the words of Your Son ring loud in my ears when he told the woman caught in adultery..."Go and sin no more." In doing so, may I bring You glory and may those around me see what a great God you are. Thank you Lord for the One who speaks in my defense. May I love You with my obedience!


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