How Do We Respond?
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." Romans 13:1
"...the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes." Daniel 5:21
As I write this morning, I find myself at more peace than I expected to find myself. Certainly, I am disappointed in the results of the election and have real fears about where our country is headed and how it might affect the church. I realize that most people do not share my value system, but that is OK. Worst case scenario, how will this effect me? Certainly, a absolute moral compass is quickly fading from the thinking of the majority. Issues such as the design and make up of the family could be totally changed, the acceptance of what is morally wrong will become more prevalent, the rights of those lives yet unborn may be stripped even more, and the list could go on. Economically, frankly I could care less. Yes I have issues with those who think they're entitled to money they have not worked for, and the government taking away from those who have worked hard to earn what they have. Bottom line...God is sovereign! I now have a biblical responsibility to pray for and submit to the authorities of my country. That's what I will model for my children because that is what is right. It may be that my ministry may get harder as a result of the election, but who is to say. It could be that our country took a major step toward socialism, but who is to say. We don't know the future! Regardless, the same God whom I love and serve has not changed and will not change. He is the one I serve regardless of the context I find myself in. I would encourage you all to take on a biblical attitude toward our new President elect. We are to pray for him and submit to him with the recognition that God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men.
God, I come to You this morning with a heart of questions, but of trust as well. I know that these days have not surprised You. You have set our new president into his position of power! Regardless of the reason, I pray that I would learn to trust You more as a result of this. I pray that I would glorify you more as a result of this! I pray for President Obama that you might give him wisdom to govern well over this great country. I pray that You might protect him from the reactions of those who might try to harm him. I pray for peace and unity for the people of the United States. I pray for the protection of Israel. Teach me how to respond in a way that brings glory to Your name! To You be the Glory!
"...the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes." Daniel 5:21
As I write this morning, I find myself at more peace than I expected to find myself. Certainly, I am disappointed in the results of the election and have real fears about where our country is headed and how it might affect the church. I realize that most people do not share my value system, but that is OK. Worst case scenario, how will this effect me? Certainly, a absolute moral compass is quickly fading from the thinking of the majority. Issues such as the design and make up of the family could be totally changed, the acceptance of what is morally wrong will become more prevalent, the rights of those lives yet unborn may be stripped even more, and the list could go on. Economically, frankly I could care less. Yes I have issues with those who think they're entitled to money they have not worked for, and the government taking away from those who have worked hard to earn what they have. Bottom line...God is sovereign! I now have a biblical responsibility to pray for and submit to the authorities of my country. That's what I will model for my children because that is what is right. It may be that my ministry may get harder as a result of the election, but who is to say. It could be that our country took a major step toward socialism, but who is to say. We don't know the future! Regardless, the same God whom I love and serve has not changed and will not change. He is the one I serve regardless of the context I find myself in. I would encourage you all to take on a biblical attitude toward our new President elect. We are to pray for him and submit to him with the recognition that God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men.
God, I come to You this morning with a heart of questions, but of trust as well. I know that these days have not surprised You. You have set our new president into his position of power! Regardless of the reason, I pray that I would learn to trust You more as a result of this. I pray that I would glorify you more as a result of this! I pray for President Obama that you might give him wisdom to govern well over this great country. I pray that You might protect him from the reactions of those who might try to harm him. I pray for peace and unity for the people of the United States. I pray for the protection of Israel. Teach me how to respond in a way that brings glory to Your name! To You be the Glory!
I appreciate your comments and I have been disappointed as well in some of the things that happened, but I can't compare what has happened to what is going to happen. If you take away the restrictions for abortion and fund it with government money then it will drastically increase something that breaks my heart already. It is not true that the republican government didn't approach the issue of abortion. Bush appointed strict constructionist as judges. As well, I do not think it is the governments responsibility to help the poor, I believe its the church's responsibility. We happen to be very proactive in doing it, but many are not. The fact is when the government begins to decide that you make too much, so we will take more from you and give it to someone else, it is a type of socialism. When government begins to take control of the health care system it is a type of socialism. What is socialism? While I am happy for President Obama and the what it means to the black community, I still don't agree with his politics. So yes, I am sad, but its not the end of the world.
I guess I also struggle with why we think we have a right to hoard wealth, when there is so much poverty in the world, and why I see so many Xians prefer to err on the side of not insulting the "hard work" of the rich, rather than on the side of mistakenly giving to the "lazy."