It Was Fitting!
Wow! God became man! It had to be that way. Think about it! Because God the Son clothed Himself with humanity, he became the perfect acceptable sacrifice for sin. God chose to show His love and justice all in one act so that you and I can be forgiven and our sin still punished. It was fitting!
He became like us so that he could relate to us... a merciful and faithful high priest! He understands us... junk and all! He helps us in times of temptation, after all, He is qualified to help us because of the sinless life He lived. It was fitting!
He walked in to the realm of death and destroyed it, so that we would no longer have to be a slave to our fear of death. It was fitting!
This is why He became human! It was all for people! He took on suffering instead glory, experienced rejection instead of praise, and He suffered death when He didn't deserve it... all for us! It was fitting!
So when the author of Hebrews says it was fitting, I say AMEN! He didn't have to! In no way was He obligated! But He chose to for the benefit of us all! He didn't need us, but He wanted us! There is no hidden agenda! God loves people enough to become like them to save them, to sanctify them, and make them securely His! This is our God! This is love! It was fitting!
1. Caption: Salvation’s delivered
2. Contents: 1-4 speak of the need for freedom from condemnation where as 5-18 the author writes of an eternal unity in Christ - the delivering purpose.
3. Chief People: The Jews, Angels, our Author.
4. Choice Verse: 2:17 “Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.”
5. Crucial Words: Propitiation, Subjection, merciful.
6. Challenges: How will sin fester in the world to come? Vs5
A government resting on the shoulders of Jesus Christ, yielding a future glory from a man made less than God? (ותחסרהו מעט מאלהים vattechasserehu meat meelohim. If this has been spoken of man as he came out of the hands of his Maker, it places him at the head of all God’s works; for literally translated it is: Thou hast made him less than God.) The first son of God, Adam, was made higher than the angels as stated in previous study’s. I think another name for Jesus might be the “the second Adam”. I also wonder how the first son of God felt about not having a Mother…..
7. Cross References: I noticed the author relates to his own book writing 27 times in chapter two which is more than any outside resource.
8. Christ Seen: Through the entire chapter explicitly vs. 17 naming Him the High Priest.
9. Central Lesson(s): Incarnation of God’s Son and salvation delivered through that sacrificial gift. Angels are not subjected to rule in the millennium - we will, because of the merciful, propitiation of sin which Angels are not subjected too.
10. Conclusion (personal application): In simple terms - I’m so glad God doesn’t have sympathy for the devil like Keith Richards and Tom Petty says, “the waiting is the hardest part” which has some truth to it! I guess we don’t want to be so future focused though if it veils glory from our Lord now and with all humbleness remember only one Son of God had a sanctified Mom……The blessed Virgin Queen who didn’t keep King David warm on his death bed.
She's the best. lol! :) "queen mary 2"