Hebrews 1:1-2 (Relate)

"In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe."
Hebrews 1:1-2

I find it interesting that this letter starts out with no salutation or soft introduction, but rather a straight forward declaration as to how God has spoken to us in these last days. I believe it is important for us to recognize an intentional shift pointed out by the author. God has spoken to us through His Son. Jesus, who is the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets, has now come and has addressed us directly. To a Hebrew, the author is pointing out that the words of Jesus are greater!

There is no doubt, as you read the New Testament, that a new covenant has been established through the death and resurrection of Jesus which includes the gentiles and does not include the Law. The Jewish people were struggling with this change, so if you are going to convince the people of this change, you must establish credibility of the author of that change. This is what is happening in the verses to come, but as for the first two verses... What the Son has spoken is greater than what was spoken in the past through the prophets. The one who fulfilled the old covenant, is the one who is establishing the new covenant. This shift is only as legit as the one making the shift... Jesus, who was appointed heir of all things and through whom the universe was made.

What voices do you listen to when it comes to real life issues? Whose words form the foundation for what you believe? Is it the Discovery Channel? Is it your parents? Is it your church? Is it your friends? Is it pop culture? Is it a certain writing? Or is it Jesus? Whose words hold more weight in your life in practice (not theory)? Think about it!


David said…

I had a dream once which I will never forget because it reoccurred later in life verbatim. In the dream, utter darkness with people crowding what seemed to be a night club. It was damp, cool, and I was sort of sweating from nervousness. I made my way in one direction hearing everybody seeing nothing. Upon reaching a wall, I still couldn't see. The wall felt like our grammar school, but beaded with dew. Using the wall as a unidirectional guide until I found myself in a long narrow hallway holding a handrail in utter darkness. Walked up a ramp, and at the peak I saw a small light. I continued on to this light holding the handrail trying to keep from bumping others who I heard but couldn't see. Finally, the light became evident. I was at the end of the hall, and I could see two rooms. One to my right, and one to my left. The room to my right, Sonya, I swear was like the basement of Calvary's first church and even blue carpeting along with a musty smell. The room to my left was different for it smelled of incense and candles along with red carpeting like that of the upstairs in Calvary's chapel. A bay window was on a wall opposite of a fireplace with a grey stone mantel. A recliner of leather (deep red in color) was on the right as I sat in front of it facing the window adjacent to the fire. The fire was too my left and I was in the corner peering at 100 candles lighting a room as people started to come in and I could see them. Nobody talked to another. The feeling was creepy to say the least, and it got creepier as I saw a creature go past the window. Imagine a figure of a human with feathers colored dark grey, black, and white tipped. A perfectly round head. I saw this and my heart fluttered as I began to become panicked. The creature came inside the room and was standing first behind the recliner then moved to the fireplace. Though there was no communication through any people, this creature led the rooms mood. I started to sing Amazing Grace to combat my weariness. As the first two or three words flowed from my lips which was barely belting out a tune a sharp response was ordered to shut up from this creature. I didn't stop, in fact the whole room followed my lead and we simply hummed together. The creature was appalled and left the room to bring back a baby. He took a silver platter like a toaster oven sheet, and heated it with the fire. As we hummed he placed this baby on the burning sheet to bake over the fire. He went a step further to sit upon it. The baby was yelling, screaming, kicking, blood curtailing cries as the creature laughed. ~Then I woke up with my sheets soaked..... I had that dream twice, and it really still even to this day sticks in my mind.
Those of you who know me understand a little about the building where some of this dream came from; however, those of you who share a faith with me understand its reality. I would love opinions on it, and welcome anybody to comment. This dream scared me more than receiving fire bye a military jet as a small boy. Whoever thinks God is not alive in our sleep is mistaken. My comforter is the Holy Spirit which Christ promised.
Anonymous said…
Now that you mention it, JP, the fact that the author of Hebrews didn't start with some kind of greeting is a bit strange. I guess it just goes to show that the message of Christ is extremely urgent and that he needs to be our top priority.

Also, I definitely agree with Dave that God is alive and moving even as we sleep. A year or two back I had a dream that opened my eyes to the reality of the spiritual world. I won't go into detail, but I remember when I woke up, I felt so reassured that God had provided me with the strength to escape a life of sin and He would continue to do so.
Jon Pickens said…
Good word Chelsea. I agree that God can encourage us in our sleep. Dreams are a funny thing because they can be deceptive as well. That is why we should test everything with the Scriptures. Dreams can be subjective and bring about confusion sometimes, but at the same time God has used dreams to direct His people. I think of Peter and the sheet of animals where God was revealing to Peter that there was no such thing as clean and unclean animals in the New Covenant. And Paul, while in the city of Troas, he saw a man asking him to come to Macedonia while he was dreaming. God uses them for sure, but we have to be careful that they are of God and not of ourselves. Here is how you might discern dreams...

1. Does it leads you toward Christ?
2. Is it consistent with the Scriptures?
3. Is it clear?

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