The Implications of Inherited Salvation

So instead of moving on to the next passage for the weekend (I will not be blogging over the weekend), I have been contemplating the last phrase in chapter 1... "Are not angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" I am particularly meditating on the implications of what it means to be a person who "will inherit salvation."

It is kind of strange to think of salvation in terms of "will inherit" since I would most certainly claim to you that I am presently saved, so what is the author talking about?

First of all, salvation is inherited! I love that word because it captures the truth that I had nothing to do with my salvation. I did not earn it, and I most certainly didn't deserve it. God, in His grace and mercy, sent His Son to lay down His life to provide purification for sin and then raised Him from the dead as proof that He is the Messiah. Christ made it possible for unrighteous people to become righteous people in the eyes of a holy God, but even this righteousness is not earned!

"God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God."
2 Cor. 5:21

Salvation is inherited... given... shared! We didn't do anything to earn it nor have we done anything to deserve it! It is inherited! Inherited is a family term. The Father says to His children, all that is mine is yours! Think about these verses...

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time."
1 Peter 1:3-5

Secondly, complete salvation is a future deal! Although, presently I can say with confidence that I am saved and know I have eternal life, that salvation has not quite been realized yet. I am still living in a fallen world where there is death, disease, hardships, natural disasters, imperfect relationships, temptation at every corner, and more. I long for the day when I will be completely rescued from the consequences of living in a sinful fallen world. Presently I have been rescued from my sin and declared to be in a right relationship with God, but I still have not been rescued from the consequences of living in a fallen world. Here is what I do know... I will inherit salvation! I will be completely rescued from the consequences of living in a fallen world!

The reality is that we are left in this fallen world to bring glory to God by making His name known among others who might possibly become a part of the same family and share in the same inheritance! So until that day comes, make this your life's mission!


David said…
Ministering spirits have been around since the garden of Eden between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Cherubim’s sat down at the gates blocking iniquity from entering while protecting the glory for God’s presence. They were beautiful figures made of gold to protect the mercy seat above the Ark in the holy of holies. They were shining, radiant, brilliant, unequivocal to other Angels and bore the throne-chariot (Ezekiel 1:4-5/1-:15-20) and their creatureliness for some were as noticeable as Venus (Psalm 19:1). There remarkable presence has ascended to the heavenly counsels, but then again this is just one type of an angel. Seraphim’s are said to be attendants to the throne and similar to a cherubim (Isaiah 6). All angels carry out a will, a decree. The angel of the Lord is thought to be Jesus before incarnation, thus he’s only mentioned in the Old Testament. Michael is an arch angel. Arch angels are the highest ranking in order of these elect beings. Wouldn’t it make sense to guard the Jews with one? I forget which angel sheathed a sword over Jerusalem, but I do remember it was in Zechariah.
Every war there is a platoon that gets pinned down, and the year 2004 in Sadr City off Delta it was 1st Calvary Division around Palm Sunday. This was a truly touching story of our recent affairs in Iraq. Which I am going to write about Lord willing. Where are these ministering spirits now? Where were they then? Perhaps they were guarding the hearts of family back home. A few years ago, a fake police check point was set up and an American was taken hostage. He worked in Iraq for Lockheed Martin and was supposedly beheaded. The Marine Corp switched leadership shortly before his capture. Muchrin (not sure of his spelling but its pronounced MOO-KRIN) was part of a terror force which dealt with propaganda online and media announcements. This man that was beheaded lived in West Creek N.J. and his name was Paul Marshall Johnson. He worked on apaches and was a long term resident overseas. According to my knowledge (I’m no angel) this report would have been better to stay off the air. The days of Sheba and tossing heads onto silver platters are clearly not over, and Angels are among our midst.
After my brother n law passed, we passed out funeral cards with the lyrics from his favorite musician Ozzy Osbourne. The card was made from my girl friends Mother and it had a picture of an ocean, a horizon, and a sunset with a beautiful sky. She wrote the words I suggested which was a popular Ozzy tune, “no more tears”. Anyway, without being longwinded I saw Greg in a dream and he was in a white robe sitting in the rocking chair with the fireplace to his left. I asked him how he was, and with a brilliance and a warm smile he said, “blissful” then faded. I am really writing honestly, and this dream seemed to give me comfort in his eternal existence with God. So how do Angels minister to us today? Greg was a mostly Episcopalian and believed in the crucifixion, loved the predictions of Nostradamus. Yes, I'll have to agree, inheritance sounds like family........
In Christ brother.

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