Still Thinking!

Not ready to blog my thoughts on this passage yet. I am still mulling it around in my head, which sometimes takes a while for a simple man like myself. I will blog about it tomorrow. In the mean time, have you come to any conclusions as to what the "message spoken by angels" is?


David said…
great!! I need an extra day to blog too. it was a lot to absorb without reading into Nero andthe first Jewish Roman war. Looking forward to your answers.
Tiffany said…
Three witnesses proves authenticity of the message of salvation: 1.). The Lord -- "the Lord Jesus Himself"; 2.) "those who heard Him" -- eyewitnesses to Jesus' ministry; 3.) " signs, wonders...."

The idea of having three witnesses prove authenticity of salvation would add more teeth into what the author of Hebrews was trying to convey. Its message would be less refutable.

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