Philippines Trip - Day 8

Trip Report

Well, I am up late this morning (6:30), and just enough time to give you a snippet of yesterday. It was a good day of ministry and certainly a day that we began to mentally shift our hearts towards home. At least I can say that about myself. I certainly miss my family even though I can communicate with them often through Skype. I want to bring them over here sooooo bad!

Jenny and I had our last day of camp! The students had so much fun playing games and spending moments together on the final day of camp. We had our closing program at 4 in the afternoon. 98% of the students came back for the experience and awards were given out. It was fun to watch them come forward for their awards and certificates. Affirming these kids is so important. We gave each person a basketball at the end of camp and I went outside with my sharpie ready. Student after student wanted me to sign their ball. It was quite fun! The students were teaching me some Cebuano today, and laughing at me! It is so had to say some of the things they say because its a tonal language. After lunch I played a pick up game with the trainers and I sweat so much that I literally took my shirt off and wrung out whole glass of water it seemed. Yes... pretty gross! Sports camp is over now and I thought things went better this year than any year. It was great!

The construction guys were the bucket brigade for pouring concrete. Hard work in very hot weather! Yesterday, George and Pastor Mike went shopping for a motorcycle for Pastor Hermie who has no way of getting around to all the places he goes for ministry except paying for a Jeepney, Tricicad, or a taxi. They made a mistake in their calculation of converting pesos to US dollar. They thought they were buying the motor cycle for $100 and they committed to it, but in reality it was $1000. Still worth the investment! OK, Pastor Mike is giving Dan a massage right now and acting like a Filipino! WOW!

We ate dinner in a gated community today which offered a variety of food! It was so good! It was a four course meal (Soup, Salad, Sandwich, and Desert) with a drink for under $5 a person! How do they make money considering the dinning area would fit 20 people at the most at a time.

Well that's all I have time for this morning. Its time for breakfast and then we are headed to the island for our rest day with our Filipino family! That is what they are... not just friends!


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