Philippines Trip - Day 5

"All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth."
Colossians 1:6

Devotional Thought

Paul calls this gospel "the word of truth"! It is the gospel that tells them about "the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven and that you already heard about..." It communicates to us God's perfect plan for salvation! It tells how God intends to rescue and restore an undeserving people (you and me)! It is the gospel that frees us from the bondage of sin and death! And it's this gospel that is bearing fruit and growing all over the world. Aside from the whole persecution thing, it would have been great to live during the days of Paul and watch how the gospel began to transform the world! People coming to Christ and experiencing a hope that is beyond words! The hope of experiencing life the way it was intended to be experienced. I am thankful to God for all He has done in my life since that very same gospel transformed a messed up 17 year old! Oh, when I think about that transformation, I can say without a doubt that I understand "God's grace in all its truth!" Take some time to reflect on how God used "this Gospel" to transform your life and give Him praise! To those who may be reading this post who have never experienced the life transforming power of "this Gospel", I would encourage you to consider Jesus. Not because He is a good option or that He will make your life all roses, but because He is the only option and the only hope of life beyond your physical body! He is God's Son and He came to rescue from sin and restore you to a right relationship with the Father!

Trip Report

Day 5 was the second day of sports camp for Jenny and I. I continue to find it difficult to lead the camp in the morning with the younger kids because most of them don't understand me very well. Some of the kids understand me fine, others have a had time understanding my English, and others simply can't speak English. I found it pretty funny during the lesson time in the morning which Pastor Jeremie was teaching in Cebuano, that Boots (a Filipino woman in the church) was telling me that her son was lost during lesson time because he doesn't speak Cebuano. You might think that is odd, but the truth is that school is taught in English. I was told at our dinner meal that students (high school ages 12-16) will get fined 5 pesos for speaking Cebuano or anything other than English. All classes in school are taught in English. I also found it interesting that most college age students speak at least 3 to four different languages out of necessity. I told them that I took French in high school and didn't learn anything, oui! I have no problem with the high school camp even though there are many deaf students. They watch and observe very well and Joel interprets for me very well! We ate at Pizza Hut for lunch in the SM Mall (there was Air Conditioning or Air Con as they would say). I asked the guys helping me out if they liked pizza and they said a little bit, so I probed. What I discovered was that they liked the taste a lot, but pizza is not something they ever eat because it is too expensive. We were able to bless them and have great fellowship.

By they way, we met the construction guys and their crew for lunch as well, and if any of you have a chance to hang out or go on a trip with Dan Monaco, then do it! He was cracking everyone up with his sarcasm and one liners. However, his sarcasm got himself into a situation on day 5. He and the construction crew were working and Dan saw a kid with some kind of stick of ice (in the shape of a banana). Dan turned to the kid and joked, "where is mine at." The kid ran away and came back with another one in his hand. This kid, leaving in the poorest of conditions, went and bought Dan an ice stick. Dan felt bad and tried to refuse, but it was too late... he had to take it. Dan got him aside later and paid the kid double what he paid (it was only 1 pesos). Speaking of the construction crew, they built the foundation on Day 4 and began the framing process on Day 5. They also went shopping for some tools to leave for the Filipino construction crew. Yes it was another hot day but everyone survived.

Lois didn't feel very good at the beginning of the day, so she took it easy at the guest house. She is feeling much better now.

Dick, Rita, Karen, and Paul spent time in the morning at they church teaching and doing crafts and came over to the gym in the afternoon. Karen interpreted, Paul was the official volleyball pole holder (he was the weight that kept the goal stable), and Dick and Rita took mucho pictures and video footage.

We went back to the guest house to clean up after a very fun game of volleyball with the trainers, and headed off for dinner. During dinner, Pastor Nigel and I and others were discussing the possibility of a missions trip with our students during our summer. We talked about what that would look like and dreamed a bit about it. Then after dinner, we went back to the guest house, but not before we picked up some Ballute (boiled duck eggs with the duck inside) on the way. Paul wanted to try ballute, so he and I, Pastor Nigel, Pastor Jeremie, and RJ (Pastor Boy's son) feated on this disgusting looking appetizers! I think I had one with feathers this time! hehehe...

Well anyway, that was day five! It was an incredible day. Pray for Day 6 (today), we will be sharing "this Gospel" at Sports Camp! Pray that those who don't know Jesus would come to Him! CYA

P.S. - Sorry for no picture uploads but I have had limited time because I have been putting the sports camp lesson together. They are all done now, so we will see about future days.


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