Philippines Trip - Days 9 and 10

Trip Report

Well, I am back home today and its Tuesday morning around 5am. Got plenty of sleep last night so I hope that curves the jet lag a little. This really is the first opportunity I have had to blog about the last two days of the Philippines trip. If you had family on the trip I am sure you have heard all about our experiences, but here are a few highlights that stuck out in my mind.

Saturday, we went to a beach resort on the Island of Lapu-Lapu, and it was very relaxing and fun. We invited those that volunteered with us throughout the week and the leadership of the church. We rented Jet-Ski's, a banana boat thing, and some went para-sailing. This was a once in a lifetime deal for those 16, 17, and 18 year old students who helped us out. Most, if not all, of the students have grown up in the church through the compassion ministry. They are very poor, but have faithfully been participating at MCBC and servign the King, so to do this for them was so much fun!!! They were so grateful and the look on their faces were priceless. We hung out all day playing and relaxing. A few of us sang while the guitar was being passed around. They are big Chris Tomlin and of course Hillsong fans. The lunch buffet was incredible if you like exotic food. I was in heaven, but I'm sure other's were struggling a little at lunch. For the sake of anominity I will leave Pastor Mike's name out of that lunch experience! HAHAHA! So we went to the Ayala Mall for dinner and he had TGIF with half the team, and the other half went to a mexican restuarant. I can't wait to go to El-Canelo!

Sunday was church and then pack up! At church we distrubuted the gift bags to many of the kids and experienced kids worship for a while (the room was air conditioned). I had brought gifts up to the Deaf Class where Paul was giving a lesson about a Biblical understanding of sex. It was really good! The response from the kids was amazing. There were kids confessing to past failures and Paul was encouraging them to know that they could be forgiven and they could commit to obeying God from here on out. It was a powerful experience. I stayed in the class and sat next to Josephos (the student that our family sponsors). I had no clue as to what was happening and I was the one needing interpretation. I did have a hard time communicating with the deaf and if was frustrating for me at times and I am sure more frustrating for them. I have decided that I need to learn sign language to communicate with Josephos and others in my ministry. I am a little intimidated by that because I don't know when I will find the time to learn. Maybe it will be a good family thing to do.

We packed up and headed for the airport in the afternoon after we said our goodbyes and such. It is always hard to say goodbye to such good friends! Its like leaving family... very difficult. I was ready, however, to be back with my own family and to hug them and love on them a little! The plane ride home was long, but the hardest part was the six hour layover in New York. We were so close to home, yet had to wait six hours to leave. We were all grimey and gross. None of us had showed for 36 hours. I vote for planes to have shower facilities!!!

Overall, our experience this year in the Philippines was great. I always come back excited about my own ministry and feel like I've learned a ton from them. On a personal note, I have so many questions and thoughts from the trip that I am trying to process so please pray for me as I seek God's wisdom in processing these things. Thanks for joining us on the trip through the blog!


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