Philippines Trip - Day 7

"For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Colossians 1:13-14

Devotional Thought

When I read these few verses I cannot help but to reflect on my own rescue story! He rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of His Son! It is Jesus who has redeemed me from my bondage to sin and death... it is Jesus who has forgiven my sin! I was 17 years old when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. God rescued me from a dangerous path in life and gave me a new direction. Honestly, growing up I had no desire for the Lord, and pretty much did what ever I wanted. I longed for everything the world had to offer. I sought after what the world had to offer, and yet, if I am honest with myself, all I found was bondage... nothing satisfied that emptiness I had inside. I had heard about Jesus before. I knew He died for our sin and rose from the grave, but I didn't give much thought as to whether it was true. I treated more as a good story than a reality. I even went forward when I was 15 and prayed a prayer to ask Jesus in my heart, but it was only because at that moment I didn't want to go to hell. The preacher said that if you don't pray and ask Jesus in your heart then you were going to hell. I thought, "I don't want to go to hell... so why not pray and cover my bases!" It had nothing to do with Christ and it was all about me at that point. It was not until I was 17 that I realized that Christianity was not about not going to hell. It was about following Jesus because He is God! I saw for the first time how Jesus had transformed the lives of so many of my peers in high school. There were people my age who were very excited about the Lord and longed to please Him with their lives. It was then, after seeing their testimony and understanding the Word of God a little better, that I needed Christ! I was hopeless and helpless without Him! Yet I responded to His invitation to follow Him as Lord and He became my Savior! He rescued me from the dominion of darkness that I was in and now I stand in the kingdom were Jesus reigns as King! I have been redeemed... forgiven!

Trip Report

Day 7 found the team doing different things. Some because of the wedding later on that day and others because of visitation. I was at sports camp from 9-3PM for another very hot day! We did our skills competition today and it was a lot of fun. In both the morning and afternoon camps we had one student who made 10 out of 10 free throws. Pretty good if you ask me! I was quite impressed. We did a zig zag drill for time and had a knock out tournament. It was very fun! The volleyball camp played volleyball during the afternoon session with the High School session. I have been riding in what they call a jeepney (a type of van were you get in through the back) to go to and from lunch the last few days. We shoved as many as 17 people into the back of one of them that is no where near the size of our 15 passenger van. Great experiences!

Jenny spent the morning with Bing Bing on visitation and then did Kristine's hair in the afternoon.

Dan, Karen, Dick, Rita, and Paul went visiting in the morning as well. They went and saw Margie. Margie was this 10 year ols girl that they met through basketball camp 2 years ago. She just came to watch since her home was nearby. They (Dan and Dick) fell in love with her and began to sponsor her as a result. They have a unique and very good relationship with her and her family! God has a way of enlarging your heart when you come here!

Pastor Mike worked at another construction site today during the morning hours. I am not sure what he did.

Lois continued to rest up in the morning and then prepared for the wedding.

The wedding was a great experience. It wasn't a typical Filipino wedding. I asked a few people to describe to me what a typical Filipino wedding was like, but I am still unclear. It was a joy to share in this experience with them. I thought the picture taking was neat. The bride and groom got picture with everyone... right after the cerimony as different groups were called up and before the dinner as each table got a picture with the newly married couple before you ate. We learned that pictures are very very very important to them!

I am thinking about a lot this morning, but am still trying to process everything, so will refrain from blogging my thoughts! I have a special talent for opening my mouth (so to speak) and inserting my LEG! haha! Keep praying for us as we end our time in the Philippines well and to His Glory!


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