The Philippines Trip - Day 3
"I know what its like to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
Devotional Thought
What is Paul saying? Simply he is saying that he has been on both sides of the economic fence. He knows what its like to have a lot and he knows what its like to have nothing, but there is one thing that matters... Christ! Our circumstances in life don't matter when it comes to the strength God gives. He is all we need, so it doesn't matter what end of the social-economic scale that we are in. He is sufficient! Many times we will quote the verse Phil. 4:13 in a context of saying we can accomplish anything with God's help. Why that might be true, it is interesting that Paul uses these words in the context of being content with what he has. We need to be people who are content with what we have. I know this is a stretch for a culture that is driven to have the latest and greatest in order to be someone, but the truth is... all we need is Christ! He is all we need!!! I would venture to say that the most content people are the richest because they are not in bondage to their need for more. You can be a content person... why? Because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
Trip Report
Day three was Sunday, which was a busy day for some and a restful day for others. We went to church and Pastor Mike filled the Pulpit for the morning English service. The run a Cebuano service at 7:00AM, A service for special needs children and their parents at 8:30AM and an English service at 10:00AM. The first two services were packed, but the English service only had about 75 people or so. This service does not include children. Their service and teaching time is from 9-11 or so. There are too many kids to count!!! In the afternoon we had dinner and was entertained by the Christian School Choir. They were very good. OK, there was another Pastor Mike moment. When we got into the room, we found the tables set up for dinner... with the dishes set. They turn the plates upside down to keep them clean. Anyway, when the choir started we began to serve ourselves from food that was at the table. All the sudden I hear, "Mike Wells your an idiot!" I turned to my right to see why PM would say that about himself and I discovered a pretty hilarious thing. He put chicken on his plate! Ok, not too funny, until you consider the fact that he forgot to turn over his plate! It was so funny to look at the pile of chicken resting on the bottom of his plate! After the choir sang, we had some of the students and staff perform some dances. The ladies did a folk dance type of thing and the men did a dance that involved coconut shells strapped to their bodies. It was very cool until they had the American guys come forward to try the dance. All I have to say is that I am glad that I could not get the coconut shells around my chest area! Dan Monaco did, however, and we have pictures! hehehe! We then went back to the guest house and many rested. I got my sports camp lesson all ready to go and then headed off to church to speak for Y-JAM (Their youth service). I spoke to between 75-100 students. It was fun, but I realized that some of my illustrations and verbage were barriers to what I wanted to communicate. They don't know who Chuck Norris is! Anyway, we ate at the Ayala Mall and then headed back to the guest house. Three of us were dropped off at the Meddah Spa to help stimulate the Filipino economy... 90 minute massage for $15 (can't beat it)! It was a late night for me because I got Tuesday's sports camp lesson finished and then went to bed about midnight. Then got up at 4:30AM (I DON'T LIKE JET LAG)!
Philippians 4:12-13
Devotional Thought
What is Paul saying? Simply he is saying that he has been on both sides of the economic fence. He knows what its like to have a lot and he knows what its like to have nothing, but there is one thing that matters... Christ! Our circumstances in life don't matter when it comes to the strength God gives. He is all we need, so it doesn't matter what end of the social-economic scale that we are in. He is sufficient! Many times we will quote the verse Phil. 4:13 in a context of saying we can accomplish anything with God's help. Why that might be true, it is interesting that Paul uses these words in the context of being content with what he has. We need to be people who are content with what we have. I know this is a stretch for a culture that is driven to have the latest and greatest in order to be someone, but the truth is... all we need is Christ! He is all we need!!! I would venture to say that the most content people are the richest because they are not in bondage to their need for more. You can be a content person... why? Because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
Trip Report
Day three was Sunday, which was a busy day for some and a restful day for others. We went to church and Pastor Mike filled the Pulpit for the morning English service. The run a Cebuano service at 7:00AM, A service for special needs children and their parents at 8:30AM and an English service at 10:00AM. The first two services were packed, but the English service only had about 75 people or so. This service does not include children. Their service and teaching time is from 9-11 or so. There are too many kids to count!!! In the afternoon we had dinner and was entertained by the Christian School Choir. They were very good. OK, there was another Pastor Mike moment. When we got into the room, we found the tables set up for dinner... with the dishes set. They turn the plates upside down to keep them clean. Anyway, when the choir started we began to serve ourselves from food that was at the table. All the sudden I hear, "Mike Wells your an idiot!" I turned to my right to see why PM would say that about himself and I discovered a pretty hilarious thing. He put chicken on his plate! Ok, not too funny, until you consider the fact that he forgot to turn over his plate! It was so funny to look at the pile of chicken resting on the bottom of his plate! After the choir sang, we had some of the students and staff perform some dances. The ladies did a folk dance type of thing and the men did a dance that involved coconut shells strapped to their bodies. It was very cool until they had the American guys come forward to try the dance. All I have to say is that I am glad that I could not get the coconut shells around my chest area! Dan Monaco did, however, and we have pictures! hehehe! We then went back to the guest house and many rested. I got my sports camp lesson all ready to go and then headed off to church to speak for Y-JAM (Their youth service). I spoke to between 75-100 students. It was fun, but I realized that some of my illustrations and verbage were barriers to what I wanted to communicate. They don't know who Chuck Norris is! Anyway, we ate at the Ayala Mall and then headed back to the guest house. Three of us were dropped off at the Meddah Spa to help stimulate the Filipino economy... 90 minute massage for $15 (can't beat it)! It was a late night for me because I got Tuesday's sports camp lesson finished and then went to bed about midnight. Then got up at 4:30AM (I DON'T LIKE JET LAG)!