Philippines Trip Day 1

"For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies to the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."
Philippians 3:18-20

Devotional Thought
So often we live our lives with our mind on earthly things. We have a hard time with things such as death, our social status, our circumstances in this life, and much more because our mind is on earthly things. What matters is eternity! Why? Because that is really our home! That is where our citizenship is as followers of Christ. I don't have to worry about such things as earthly success as defined by our world, or whether I have the latest and greatest stuff, and frankly if I die, because my view of life is not limited to the days I spend on this earth. This is not my home anyway, so whatever happens... happens! What's important is that I spend my time here accomplishing the kingdom purposes of the Almighty God! What does He desire of me and from me, is what should drive my life all the time. I say should because I find myself forgetting this truth often and living as if my time on earth were all about me.

Trip Report
Well, we arrived at the airport around 6:40PM on Friday (Philippine time) and by the time we got out of the airport it was around 8:00PM. It was a packed flight from Hong Kong to Cebu so the line was long. We did not lose any luggage at all this year! Praise God for that! I will say that it was funny watching Pastor Mike bully his way to the luggage rotating thing (not sure what you call it). He was a mad man trying to throw luggage of it. I'm sure the other people around were thinking, "who is this guy?" At one point he got turned around throwing luggage that he lost his balance and fell onto the moving luggage belt. Hilarious!!! Everyone around kind of chuckled and I have to admit that I did too. We really liked arriving on Friday night as oppossed to Saturday Afternoon. We came to the guest house, cleaned up, and went to bed. I woke up at 5am this morning but I got 8 hours of sleep. It felt so good to lay in a horizonal position!!! Today, many of us will be going seperate ways. The basketball and volleyball crew will be going to a nice place with the Flipino volunteers for orientation, lunch, and swimming. The special needs crew will be with Toshi and Pastor Mike will be with Jim Boy. We are really looking forward to the day and are excited about what the Lord has instore for us! Keep praying for us!


Kelsey said…
thats awesome j.p!!! we missed you in student life today. The lesson was good, kyle did a great job, but for some odd reason, none of lights except for like 4 the main room and the stage lights would work. It was weird haha. I'm praying for you and the rest of the team!!
Kylee said…
haha finally just read this.. p.mike surfin on the belt ay, haha.

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