A Day of Questions

Today was an early morning start and I didn't plan well enough to do my morning Bible Study and blog, and I now have 20 minutes before I am gone for the rest of the day. Instead of trying to cram in my quiet time during a time frame that would be difficult to meditate on the Scriptures, I thought I would throw out a question. Today in my staff meeting we discussed prayer. What is prayer and why do we pray? We were talking about the benefits of prayer, which there are many, but why do we pray? Do we pray because of the benefits we receive? Or do we pray because we recognize our absolute need and dependence upon God? I fear that we often pray with the wrong motives. We pray expecting God to see things the way we see things and fix it. We pray because it helps relieve our stress or makes us feel new. Why is it that we pray? I long for the day when individuals, families, and churches pray, not because of the benefits or out of expectation, but because we recognize our absolute need for an Almighty Sovereign God to draw us near to His heart. Why do you pray? Think about it for a while!


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