1 John 2:3-6

"We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands. The man who says, 'I know Him,' but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in Him. But if anyone obeys His Word, God's love is truly made complete in Him. This is how we know that we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:3-6

How do I know that I have truly come to know Christ? After all, there is a high percentage of people who claim to be Christians in America, but claiming to be one and being one are two different things. Some say, "you can't judge me like that, only God knows my heart!" And to a certain extent that is true, but our heart is made public by our actions. So how can I know that I have truly come to know Christ? Look at my life! Am I walking as Jesus did? Am I obeying His commands? These are tough questions because there are times in our lives that we struggle to obey. There are times when the enemy has a foothold in our life and we are not walking as Jesus did. Is John telling us that we don't know Christ if we sin at anytime? I don't believe so! He just got through telling his reader that they should not sin, but if they do Jesus is there as your defense attorney so to speak. I believe John is talking about a pattern! What describes my life? Is it a desire to walk like Jesus? Or is it a desire to do whatever it is YOU want to do? Is your life His or YOURS? I believe we have watered down the gospel by endorsing a checklist mentality when it comes to faith. If you pray a prayer then your OK! If you ask for God's forgiveness your OK! If you go to church your OK! If you read your Bible your OK! I get weary of such things!!! I am tired of the checklist mentality! Are you following Jesus? Have you surrender your life over to Jesus, and resolved to be obedient to Him? Its not about doing, but surrendering! Some of the checklist things are good things to do, but they can be rooted in selfish motives and deceptive. I said a prayer to ask Jesus to come into my heart when I was 15, but it had nothing to do with Christ. I just didn't want to go to hell! Was that prayer not rooted in selfishness? Consequently there was no change in my life either. When I was 17 I resolved to follow Jesus because I was convinced He was who He said He was and He came to do what He said He was coming to do! How about you? Have you surrendered? Is your life marked by obedience and a desire to walk like Jesus did?
God, it is my desire to live a life that reflects the life of Christ. I know that I stumble, yet I thank you for Jesus who speaks to you in my defense when I do sin. Help me to live this day with a conscience awareness of your commands and may I obey You with the help of Your Spirit! I need You and I desire to be like Your Son!


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