1 John 2:28-29

"And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of Him." 1 John 2:28-29

Have you ever said something bad about someone and the person found out about it? Suppose you had to meet them the next day for lunch. How would you go into that lunch? I would imagine you would go with a little bit of anxiety and a tad bit shameful. You certainly wouldn't go in confident and unashamed. Yet we are encouraged to continue in Christ (that is...not be lead astray by false teaching), so that when He appears, we will be confident and unashamed. In Christ, we have nothing to fear when He returns. Our confidence comes from the reality that we are declared righteous by God through Christ. He sees us through the eyes of grace and truth! If we try to be good enough for God apart from Christ (false teaching), then we will be ashamed and we have reason to fear. We will never be good enough for God apart from Christ. John then makes the statement that Christ is righteous and that those who belong to Him do what is right. This is another evidence that our faith in Christ will be evident by a changed life. A life that seeks the heart and mind of Christ! Faith is not merely an intellectual exercise, it is a belief that is alive, and it changes the life of the person. In other words, if you really believe it, it will be evident by the way you live, love, and think! Cling to what is true! Cling to what is right! Cling to your faith in Jesus! This is the message that John is preaching!

God, its easy for me to write this blog and encourage others to cling to Jesus, but I am reminded of my need to do this during times of testing. In the midst of my trials and temptations, draw my mind into that place of truth! Give me the strength to cling to Jesus! May You be made to look good as people watch my every step. May my thoughts be taken captive and made obedient to Christ! Certainly I need Your strength! I long to meet You without shame to hear You say "well done!" I am Yours!


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