1 John 2:7-8

"Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in Him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining." 1 John 2:7-8

God has always been about obedience from the beginning of time. John's message of obedience to God is not new, but at the same time is new because of Christ. God revealed Himself to the human race through His Son Jesus, who modeled for us perfect obedience. For John to say, "walk like Jesus walked" was a new command, but Jesus modeled perfect obedience to the Father which is not a new command. Obedience is important! Jesus is the true light that is already shining. This light exposes our disobedience with the intent for us to change. We can see what we are doing and adjust our actions. Darkness hides our disobedience. Many people, who sin against God, simply don't see their actions as disobedience. Darkness hides the truth from them and they continue down the same path of disobedience. Darkness hides from our awareness the consequences of our disobedience. People don't think about how their actions affect other people or themselves; they are blinded by darkness. Is there anything in my life where darkness has been affecting disobedience? When I am struggling with my thoughts and I start flipping the TV channels, darkness begins to win the day. My mind begins to wander and I think, "I'm only flipping through channels, how dangerous can that be?" I start flipping and stopping on channels that begin to feed my flesh. I flip it and say, "I shouldn't watch that", but eventually I gravitate back to it. Darkness has blinded me and I become disobedient to God!

God, help me to be obedient to You always! Help me to stay close to your word so that Your light may reveal to me areas of disobedience and lead me back to a right relationship with You. Help me to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit and His guiding ministry in my life. I want my life to reflect that of Jesus who was the perfect model of obedience. I have so much to learn!


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