Quit Talking About It! - 1 Cor. 4:20

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."
1 Cor. 4:20

There is a holy discontent that I have about my purpose in life. There is an internal drive that I can't explain that moves me to a sense of urgency about the Gospel! I am constantly thinking about how little time I have to faithfully make known the Savior whom I love and first loved me. It's a frustration to me when I find myself managing my way through life, instead of risking all to fulfill my purpose. I want to be honest... it is not only my purpose! When Jesus saves us, we are given The Holy Spirit to guide and empower us to be about Kingdom business! He did not save us to be stagnant!

I love the outdoors, and have spent a good deal of time hiking with all the equipment I need to survive a prolonged experience in the woods. I know this doesn't shock you, but you need water to live, and generally you look to filter water at a source that is moving. Why? Stagnant water is a breeding ground for all kinds of diseases. Often times I lead trips to Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario and we don't even take a filter, but we are careful where we get our water... Stagnant water is just unsafe! Often times I find that when my purpose to "go and make disciples" is stagnant, it becomes a breeding ground for temptation, distraction, and Kingdom laziness! The Kingdom of God becomes about talk!

I love Paul's words in 1 Cor. 4... "The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power!" God is about about the advancement of his Kingdom...

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." Matthew 11:12

I so desire to be on mission! I want to join God in the advancement of His Kingdom, after all, that is what he has called me to do... and that is what He has called you to do as well! So lets stop talking about the Kingdom and join God in advancing it! He will show up in power!


Joe Wright said…
Nice post Jon! 1)I didn't know you were a hiker - probably one of my favorite things to do also. 2) Have you read the book Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels? - Joe W.
BTW the kids raised $760 so far through the cans.
Jon Pickens said…
Thanks Joe! That is exciting what the kids have done! We raised about $300 with the change containers. Keep on keeping on my friend!

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