God Is Calling Us to Something Greater! - Eph. 5:3

"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people."
Eph. 5:3

I think it's hard many times for believers, who live in a world that is so pervasive when it comes to sexual temptation and among a culture that really doesn't see a problem with it, to not feel alone in how they think. Paul tells us to not even give a hint of sexual immorality... not even a hint. Often times the subject will come up... How far is too far in my relationship? That can be a difficult question to answer because if your even asking the question, you have probably gone too far. We want to draw lines and say that if we don't actual have sex before marriage then we are ok, but that is not how God operates. Jesus said that if we even look at a woman lustfully that we have committed adultery in our hearts.

Now I am not going to say that believers never struggle with lustful thoughts, because that would be ridiculous, especially given the fact that we have a sinful nature. However, it would be appropriate to say the that it doesn't fit our calling to be holy! If a believer struggles with lust, at the very least he knows that it is improper or doesn't fit his calling. The reality is that many believers struggle with this.

But God is calling us to something greater! He is calling us to be Holy... set apart to Himself. Just because it is a struggle, doesn't mean it is proper! I love this about God! He calls us to something greater! He wants our lives to be something greater that the mess of this world!

So how about it! Are you up for the challenge to live in such a way that reflects your calling to holiness! Are you so passionate about being separated unto God that you are willing to not even give a hint of sexual immorality? Let's reach for a higher calling, but I have to warn you... you may find yourself feeling alone in the process, unless we reach together! What do you say?


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