Day 1 in the Philippines 2011

Well, my daughter and I with a group of 12 other great people have arrived in the Philippines to connect with our sister church for the purpose of mutual encouragement in the faith. I love this trip so much because of the people. These are my brothers and sisters in Christ... the bond we share through the Spirit of God is dear to my heart. I often ask myself the question, "What do I really have to offer that makes a difference for the Kingdom that I may impart to my family here?" I don't know if I have a good answer for that, but I am committed to giving myself! I am asking the Lord to give my listening ears and a sensitivity to His leading. I have been blogging about living from the inside out for quite awhile and this trip is no different. My prayer is that would approach this trip from the core of who I am, and not fall into the trap of just "doing" the trip. My desire is to lead and to learn from that intimate place with my God, where He is speaking and I am not too distracted to hear.

Lord, may the relationships that are cultivated be honoring to you, and may my spirit be in tune with Your Spirit as I lead, listen, and learn! Your Glory!!!


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