Leaning Into Christ Not My Own Understanding

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Have you ever been in a place of utter confusion? You really don't have the answers your seeking, yet you so desperately want them. You just can't put two and two together and it frustrates you to no end! Can you identify?

I am reminded of Proverbs 3:5-6 this morning as Trish and I wade through very muddy waters. It is a common verse... one that I have known for many years and most likely you have known as well. Yet the wisdom and simplicity of its words help me to center on what is real. I am to trust in the Lord! He is in control... nothing that has been done is outside His knowledge nor ability to change. I am not to lean on my own understanding! It doesn't matter if I can't figure things out... It doesn't matter if I have answers to all my questions, for I am not to lean on my own understanding anyway.

What I am to do is acknowledge Him! In all the circumstances of life, I am to acknowledge that God is a part of it. He knows... He cares... He allows... He works for the good of those who love Him.

So often I find myself doing the very oposite. I find myself leaning on my own understanding and not leaning into Christ! I find myself trying to understand it all and growing frustrated at the confusion. Here's the deal... I DON'T NEED TO KNOW! I just need to trust!

You know I wish there was a button to push that would allow my heart and mind to function at the same pace. I know what I need to do, so now I am trying to convince my heart to do it. I need Him! I want Him!

Lord, help me to not get caught up in the noise of my own understanding. Help me to trust You will all of my heart, not just with my mind! Help me to acknowledge Your sovereign hand and Your perfect wisdom throughout this journey. You have promised to make my paths straight... help me to believe!


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