Is There A Limit to Our Following?

Often times we hear the word balance in relation to how we live.  We tend to avoid extremes and label those who go to extremes as extremists.  But how does this work as a follower of Christ?  As I read about the Apostle Paul, he was a pretty extreme dude (I hope it ok to call Paul "dude").  Here is a guy who went through extreme suffering and imprisonment for the sake of the Gospel.  He writes to the churches in Galatia that he has been crucified with Christ, so his life is no longer under his authority.  He has relinquished control to the One he places his faith in... Jesus.  To the church in Philippi he assures them that he is ready to exalt Christ in life or by death.  He is one who gave up all for the sake of the Gospel.  We are inspired by Paul's example and place him on a pedestal, but we resist the idea of our life looking like his.  Paul simply took the command to follow Jesus seriously!  Do we?  Do we look at our lives and try to "fit" Jesus into them, or do we surrender our lives to Him and try to "fit" into His agenda for the world?

Following Jesus is more than just agreeing with His teachings... it is the radical surrendering of authority over your life, so that He can live IN you and move THROUGH you!  There is intimacy and expectation!  He wants you to know and love Him as well as die to yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him.  He asks us to be ready to give up everything for the sake of the gospel!

The question is...  Are we guilty of downplaying the extreme nature of being a follower?  Or are we called to live a balanced life for the sake of ...?

Food for thought!


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