Transparent and Deeply Consumed

What does it look like to live a Christ-centered life?  I would bet that many immediately start thinking about outward activities that a person might do in order to look as if Christ is the center of their life.  For example, one might look at their Bible and think, "Well, if I read this book today then I will be living a Christ-centered life!"  We think too often in terms of doing, and we miss out on fostering what really matters... the heart and mind!  I was reminded of this as I spent some time interacting with Philippians 1:20-24.  The question is a matter of cart and horse.  Which one is pulling the other?  Which one comes first?  I look at Paul's life and see a man who is in prison, and while in prison he is discipling the believers at Philippi through a letter that is deeply personal and transparent.

"20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body."

Philippians 1:20-24

Paul demonstrates an internal tension between his desire to be with Christ through death and his desire to live for Christ for the sake of the works of Christ.  You see a guy that admits that to die is for his gain; however, to live means that God is not done with him yet!  You see a guy who is essentially telling these people, whom he has a deeply personal relationship with, to not worry about him.  Though he is in a Roman prison, he is basically saying... "I am fine... my options are best and better than best!"  Paul can come to this conclusion because he is absolutely consumed with Christ!  One interesting note... Verse 21 has no verbs in the original language.  It literally reads, "To live Christ, to die gain."  I can see this man weighing his options internally.  He raises one hand and says, "to live... Christ!", and then raises the other, "to die... bonus!"  Of course this is my interpretation, but none the less, these are the options of a man who is consumed with Christ.  If he goes on living... it's gonna be about Jesus, and if he dies... then he will be in the presence of Jesus, whom he longs to be with.  Paul's perspective about the place that Christ has in his life resulted in a steadfast purpose and joy!  

I long to be that consumed with Christ!  Yet there are some distractions that so easily derail such consumption!  When I become focused on my agenda for the day at the expense of His!  When I waste my time in the name of entertainment at the expense of doing what I feel God is calling me to do.  When I become more focused on what others think of me, instead of what they think of Jesus!  Bottom line is... my biggest hurdle to becoming totally consumed with Christ is ME!  Maybe that is why Jesus said that we ought to die daily to ourselves and follow Him!  Makes sense to me!  It is a conscious choice to think differently about your life each morning that you wake up!  We say we believe in Jesus, but are we willing to make the choice to die to ourselves?  A test of genuine faith!  So now, you decide!


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