Day 2 in the Philippines

Day 2 in the Philippines...

What a joy it is to spend time in corporate worship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We arrived at the church early and walked around connecting with people while Pastor Mike preached in the 2nd Service (Cebuano speaking service). The team passed out the gift bags to the sponsored children during the beginning of the third service (English speaking service). I was in the service the whole time and was blessed by the worship team... a group of fantastic young men and women who are extremely talented and equally committed to serving Christ through their talent! In a room about 50 feet wide and 20 feet deep, I felt like I was at a Hillsong church. They were that good. Tori said to me afterwards, "Dad, that guy leading worship should be on a cd." It was a blessing! We had a potluck dinner after the service and talked to the church members there. After dinner, with the exception of Pastor Mike and myself, the team left to go to Laupo-Laupo (probably spelled that wrong), an island right next to Mandaue City to visit the site where Magellan was defeated. I went to the new property where they had the fourth service for the people in the village next to it. This happens every week! The dedication and time put into a Sunday is unbelievable. They do it because they care for people and want to advance the Gospel. Great stuff! After the service at the new property, Pastor Nigel and I headed back to the church for YJAM. I had the honor of teaching the Scriptures to about 120 young people (teenagers) and it was such a blessing. All in all, there were 5 services that served different people groups, and that doesn't count the children's ministry, Compassion activities, and the Special Children activities. There dedication and commitment is humbling!

The days are hot but our God is sustaining us and giving us what we need to not just make it through, but to thrive! I praise God for all he has done!

I was reading the book of Philippians this morning (only seems appropriate), and I was challenged by how much Paul was focused on Christ and how he saw his life as a blueprint for Jesus.

"Now I want you to know brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ."
Philippians 1:12-13

Paul could look at his life and saw the hand of God purposing what we would consider negative circumstances into something used to advance the Gospel. He chose to be present and use his circumstances for the purposes of Christ! He is in chains for Christ and that is clearly seen by the people surrounding him. Even later on in Philippians, he communicates that while he is living, his life is about Christ, and if he dies, great, because he will be with Christ! I am challenged by his focus and desire my life to reflect that same passionate focus!


Brett said…
Sounds like a great day! We are praying for you and the team every day! May God continue to bless you as you minister to the people there!!!!!

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