Day 5 in the Philippines 2011

Today was a bit different then the other days in the morning. After breakfast, we left for the church to drop off people and then several of us headed to a place that looked like a glass dump yard. There we saw Filipinos separating glass and crushing it into small pieces to fill up bags. The bags are the size of a burlap sac. A hard days work will produce about 20 bags, and they get 3 pesos per bag. Let me translate this... They work hard all day to make what is equivalent to $1.50 PER DAY (not per bag). They were working in flip flops (sandals if your Filipino) and I could not see any cuts on their feet. I am sure that I would have cuts!

After we visited the glass place, we went to visit a Barangay called Paradise where Jenny's sponsored child lives and where Margie (the Rodger's and Monaco's special friend) calls home. It is anything but a paradise, but as you drive into this Baranguy, the children are laughing and playing! It is a joy to watch. We were definitely a highlight! The children love getting their picture taken! As we were at Margie's home, which is a home made of bamboo and wood hovering over the water, I saw some children swimming. The water was filled with trash and had a gray milky look to it, but that is the water that many of them wash up with. The trip to Margie's home required us to walk on planks across the water. Some of the planks didn't look too strong, so it was an adventure getting my 250 pound frame across. I survived! Haha!

When we got back to the church, Bobby and I played cards with Jeremy, Nigel, and Jek. We had a lot of fun playing King, Queen, Peasant, Scum (adding in Knight so the fifth player could play). They picked up on the strategy of the game very quickly.

At camp, we worked on team drill, had devotions, and played 5 on 5 games. It was an exciting day of camp because the students love to play! In between the first and second session, the coaches played for about 45 minutes... full court! I was dying!!! But had so much fun. I need to convince myself that my body is not made to do that anymore... naaa! Well, I got a lot of pictures and video of the day but I have to hunt down a cord to upload them to my computer. So hopefully I will show pictures soon.

Tori gave her testimony in the girls camp, and I heard she did an excellent job! I was so happy to see her eyes light up when they were told that they were making tie-dye shirts! She had tons of fun today with the girls. I haven't talked to her since, because she was asleep when I got in last night from camp. I look forward to connecting with her this morning.

Well, I got to bed about 9:15pm last night and it felt good to sleep for 7 hours! Ready to go today... I am excited to see what the Lord has in store!


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