Eph. 1:15-23 Tune Me Up!

As a guitar player, I have developed an ear to hear to slightest hint of an out of tune instrument or band. Often times I will tune my guitar to itself without using a tuner if I am playing by myself, but when I am playing as a part of a band, this doesn't work. I have to tune to a standard pitch that everyone else is tuned to, so that when everyone plays the sound is what was intended. Tuning is a principle that applies to more than just instruments... it applies to our faith in Jesus. We needed tuned so that the sound we make as followers of Jesus is what was intended. Paul recognizes the need for people to be tuned and he makes it the focal point of his prayer time for the Ephesian saints. Have you ever asked the question... "God what is it that You really want for my life?"... and pray for that. This was Paul's approach. Certainly Paul had much to pray about. Many people were undoubtedly sick because of the poor heath conditions, and certainly there were plenty of dear friends in need of protection from the wide spread persecution of Christians, but his prayer for the Ephesians saints was much deeper. He essentially prayed for a tuning:

1. He prayed that they would know Christ better through the illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit... to seek the heart of God through their knowledge of Christ! Why is this important? Paul understands a central truth... our lives as a new creation are wrapped in the identity of Jesus bringing glory to God! To bring glory to God means that you are becoming like Jesus, to become like Jesus you must know him. Paul here is not praying for a simple knowledge of Christ... but an internalization of the person of Christ. As you internalize the person of Jesus, you begin to understand your true identity... HIM! Jesus lives in me to help me realize the true me! So pray that God would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know HIM!

2. He also prayed that they would know the hope to which they were called. Again, not an intellectual understanding of that hope, but an understanding that comes from the core of who you are. I was called to a hope! Having been made right with God through Jesus, my hope is that I will dwell with God as His son. It is the glorious inheritance of the saints... its more than just heaven! God will dwell with men as He originally designed! We will enjoy the honor of His presence! We will also enjoy the riches of His great power... the resurrected Christ! So pray that your heart would be turned toward this hope! It is this hope that keeps us focused and strong during the mist... our life on earth.

Lord, tune my soul to become like my Savior and my heart to embrace the hope found in Jesus. Amen.


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