The Cost - Luke 14:25-27;33

"Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 'If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple... In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:25-27; 33

As we read the context immediately following what our culture would view as an outrageous claim by Jesus, we find His explanation. It is about counting the cost! He gives two illustrations. The first involves a man who is building a tower. He considers the cost of building the whole tower, not just what it takes to start. And the second was a king preparing for war, he will consider the cost of engaging the enemy based on if he thinks his army can finish the job. Then Jesus uses the phrase... "In the same way..." In other words, just like the man building the tower understands the cost before he builds and a king understands the cost before he engages in war, His followers need to understand the cost of following Jesus... which is to give up everything! This reality turned the rich young man away.

Followers of Christ must give up everything to follow Jesus... to hold all things with open hands, including the deepest relationships that we experience on earth! This doesn't sit well with many of us because we like to have control and play things "safe". It is not safe to hold things with open hands! It is not comfortable for people who like to control their life to give up that control. The reality is that we are called to give up everything! This means to hold your spouse and kids with open hands... "Lord here they are... What You do with them is Your decision to make!" This means to hold your mom and dad with open hands... "Lord here they are... What You do with them is Your decision to make!" This means to hold your own life with open hands... "Lord here I am... What You do with me is Your decision to make!" This is not "safe" but it is surrender! This doesn't mean that Jesus will pluck it from your hands, though He may choose to. Are you ok with that? This is what it means to give up everything. Jesus asks us to detest the life of our wife and children, mother and father, and even our own for the promise of something better for you and them, but there is a cost involved... you must hold them with open hands. This is an act of faith...

Do you believe Jesus is Lord and are you willing live life with open hands as you follow Him?

What thing do we hold with closed fists? Relationships? Our dreams? Our social standing? Our economic status?

Increase our faith, Lord, that we would be people who offer to you everything with open hands as we follow Your leading!


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