The Cost - Luke 14:25-27
"Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 'If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.'"
Luke 14:25-27
This passage is hard for me to understand. What is it that Jesus is saying? One one hand I am to love my wife as Christ loved the church and the other hand I am to hate her life. What is he talking about? I have some thoughts on this that I am writing down, but please feel free to write down your thoughts as well.
Scenario #1 - Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people who are literally following Him. They are going where he goes. He could be referring to the specific ministry that he had with His small band of disciples who were going with him from town to town. Because of the mobility of Jesus, they literally had to abandon everything if they wanted to be discipled by Jesus. His small band of disciples left everything and even eventually gave up their life (except for John) as a disciple of Jesus to martyrdom. Jesus could be referring to that specific scenario.
Scenario #2 - Jesus could be referring to hating the condition of one's life and not the person themselves. We get this clue when He says "yes, even his own life". To hate ones life is different then hating the person. If you are looking at life and you are satisfied with it without Jesus, then you are not ready to be a disciple of Jesus. The whole premise of the Gospel is that Jesus is our HOPE. Its when we come to an end of ourselves and see that a life apart from the Savior is empty and is to be hated, that is when we are ready to be His disciple. Only when you look at life and see its hopelessness can you see clearly your need for the hope giver. When you come to that place, you are willing to abandon it all for something greater!
I am not sure what this all means... I will be studying it over the next several days, but I would love to have your thoughts. What I know is this... God has called me to love and lead my wife and children, and to love and honor my father and mother. I also know that Jesus is not saying something contrary to that, so what is he saying? I look forward to reading your responses.