On My Mind

I have something on my mind that is troubling me and I want to share it, so I am deviating today from the book of 2 Peter.  I can't get a couple of Scriptures off of my mind today dealing with how we as people identify Jesus.  I keep thinking about what Jesus asked the disciples one day as they were hanging out together.  He asked them, "Who do others say that I am?", to which the disciples responded with a variety of answers.  Then Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Who do you say that I am?"  Peter responded by saying, "You are the Christ!"  A very significant answer.  All Peter did was to affirm his belief that this man, Jesus, was the one that all of history had been waiting for, the Son of the Living God!  It was also an affirmation of Jesus as his lord and king.  Who we believe Jesus to be is essential!  It affects every part of our life!  If you have not established and embraced who you believe Jesus to be, then your life will be pretty wishy-washy when it comes to your faith.  I think back to the Old Testament account of Elijah on Mt. Carmel.  He challenged the prophets of Baal to prove who indeed was God, and addressed the people of Israel to follow the true God.  He said to them, "If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him."  He was tired of the people wavering in their identity of the true God, and who it is they are to follow!  We have too many people wavering between opinions!  Who do you believe God to be?  Who do you say Jesus is?  These are important questions, because if you believe that Jesus is Lord, then you must relinquish authority over your life and allow your life to be His.  He is Lord!  So many people want to focus there view of Jesus as their friend and redeemer, but is He Lord?  Are you willing for Him to take control of every aspect of your life?  Let me rephrase Elijah's challenge to the people of Israel into a challenge to God's people today..."If Jesus is Lord, then follow Him!"  Establish and embrace the identity of Jesus!!!


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