2 Peter 1:3

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness"  2 Peter 1:3

If your like me, I use to ask myself the question, "What is life all about and how do I thrive in it?"  You will receive many different answers to that question.  Some may say that life is about personal success and happiness and some may say there is no purpose.  Others search all their life to find what its all about while others are convinced they know.  If you look at life through the eye glasses of the Bible, then the purpose of life is pretty clear, its to glorify God, that is to bring into clear focus the greatness and majesty of God.  I personally believe that we do this by living a life that demonstrates our love for God and our love for people.  This life is no easy task.  It will require help.  Isn't it great to know that we have been given everything we need to live out that kind of life, becoming more like Christ in the process.  Two things pop out at me.  First, it is God who gives us the power to live our lives on purpose.  We do not have that kind of power or capability on our own.  We can not become more godly without God's help.  We cannot love people like God loves people without His help.  We cannot even express a genuine love for God without God's help.  Everything is against us except God.  We need Him and His divine power to live a life worthy of our creating!  The second think that jumps out at my is that this power comes through our knowledge of God.  Romans 12:2 is right when it says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds.  So get to know God through His Word and welcome his divine power to help you live life on purpose and become more like Christ!


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