2 Peter 1:1-2

"Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours: Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 1:1-2

In Christ all are equal. Here is Peter...an apostle and eye witness of the Lord Jesus. He was a leader among leaders and many in the church looked to Him for advise and approval. Yet truth has grounded him. He understands his position in Christ. He has received the same righteousness that these folks he is writing to has. He views his faith, as precious as it is, as being equal in value to the faith of his readers. It comes from the same God through the same Savior. With that thought in mind, Peter greets them in his letter. I personally think the greeting reveals something about Peter's theology. It reveals the source of true grace and peace. To be a people of grace and to live in the freedom that grace gives, we must understand what grace is and where it comes from. The same is true of peace. Grace is having been given something that we do not deserve. Its through Jesus Christ that we receive grace, but its through our knowledge of God and of Jesus that we can live in the freedom that grace affords. For example, one can have grace given to them, but not understand the depth of that grace because of their lack of knowledge of what grace is and where it comes from and who gives it. This will directly affect the freedom he experiences in his walk with God. The old GI Joe slogan applies so often in life and here is one of those times..."and knowing is half the battle". So I need to be a person who takes my journey to know Christ through the truth of his Word with steadfast passion, knowing it does matter and will affect the way I live and view the world. I do not live in fear nor guilt because I understand and have embraced grace and peace through what I know about God and His Son, Jesus. I am free from condemnation!


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