Personal Responsibility in a Blame Game World

One of the toughest realities of being a pastor is watching the destructive choices that people make that lead to an unhealthy relationship with Jesus, fractured relationships with others who love him or her, or self-destruction.  A common denominator of the carnage left in the wake of these decisions is the failure to take personal responsibility for the choices he or she has made or refuse to make.  Let me explain...  I have a passion to know Jesus more and to commune with Him at a soul level.  This does not just automatically happen, I must choose to engage in certain disciplines for this to happen.  If I do not choose to read and study my Bible, then I have no one to blame but myself.  If I do not intentionally carve out time to pray, I have no one to blame but myself.  If I am not actively involved in God's mission then I can only blame myself for not engaging in His mission.  On the flip side, if I choose to distance myself from people, I have only to blame myself for feeling lonely.  If I choose to treat people unkindly, then I have only myself to blame for people not desiring to be around me.  If I choose to indulge in my sinful nature, I have only myself to blame for the grieving that comes from the Holy Spirit's conviction.  Sometimes people even recognize that they are the reason for their own demise, but still do not choose to change.  Sure there is a desire, but very little action... no fight!  A lack of personal responsibility seems to mark many in our world today.

Can I encourage you to own your messy choices and seek to make choices that will lead you toward a more intimate relationship with Christ?  Make this choice by your actions, not just your words.  Words are cheap!  Real action has worth.  You see personal responsibility in Jesus' invitation to His disciples.  He said if "anyone wants to come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me (Matthew 16:24)."  These three phrases of personal responsibility are clear...

  1. Choose to take yourself out of the center of your world.  Life is not about you.  It is ultimately about the Glory of Christ.  When we focus on ourselves and not our purpose for existing, it leads to self-destruction and major insecurities.  
  2. Choose to live as a sacrifice.  Yes, I know this one is difficult, especially if you try to wrap your heart around it without putting it into the perspective of eternity.  Luke even adds the word daily, emphasizing the repetitive nature of this decision.
  3. Choose to follow Jesus.  This is a doing thing.  I will follow Jesus by my actions not just my words.
Take personal responsibility for your relationships... your relationship with self, others, and your Abba.


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