Is Our Biggest Issue Distrust?

Wow!  There is so much happening in this country sparked by the grand jury deciding not to take action on officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson a few weeks ago.  There has been rioting, looting, people blocking major highways in protest, and many other actions.  The media has covered this, distorted aspects of this story, and have kept it at the forefront of America's attention.  There has been outrage on both sides of this event.  There has been responses from church leaders, media members, talk show hosts, and many more.  Perhaps the most revealing narrative has been that which has taken place in the comment sections of news articles and social media sites.  Injustice based on race has been the idea that all of this seems to circle around...  Can I share with you what I think is at the heart of most of this?  I cannot speak to all of it because there are ALWAYS exceptions.  There will always be ignorant people who say and do hurtful things.  I think that our country's biggest issue is mistrust!

It seems to me that blacks do not trust white people...  Guess what?  There is probably some reason for this.  They have probably had very tangible experiences or stories that hit so close to home, that is difficult for them to trust.  I am not black, but if I were constantly profiled when I walked into a store as if it were a foregone conclusion that I am stealing something, then I would hesitate to trust white people too.  I would imagine mistrust is why the decision from Ferguson was not received very well.  I would also imagine that a black person is tired of being lumped into the category of being a thug based on the stereotypes from those who are black that act in thuggish ways.  The reality is that white people act in thuggish ways as well.

I seems to me that white people do not trust black people...  Guess what?  There is probably some reason for this as well.  The percentage of violent crime that happens is way too disproportionate toward black men in America.  Whites watch their TV screens and see a bunch of black folks looting and destroying businesses of people who have worked hard to build their livelihood.  Mistrust is why white people lock their door when they turn down the "wrong" street in any major city.  There is mistrust!

Black people mistrust the police.

White people mistrust the media, which seems to thrive on controversy.

It does no good to pretend that some of these realities do not exist, but can I interject some other realities:

1.  The majority of black folks are great people!  They are hardworking, respectful, and very kind.  I know this firsthand.

2.  The majority of white people are great people!  They want peace.  They cringe when they hear another white person make a racial remark.  They don't understand all the stereotypes of racism because they do not consider themselves a racist, nor have they done anything to be intentionally racist.

3.  There are both white and black racist people!  We all know this!  I have known some white people who were unashamed of their disingenuous views of black folks, and I have known black folks that absolutely hate white folks.  It comes straight from their lips!

4.  The media plays into this mistrust by their strategic approach to the news.  The pictures they choose to use, as well as, the words they carefully craft.  One must wonder if the media wants reconciliation to happen or ratings!  They continue a narrative that is not healing, but further divides.

What hope do we have in a country that seems so divided?  In my opinion, the Gospel is the answer!  The Gospel says that every human being is made in the image of God!  That gives them equal value and meaning.  The Gospel says that those who worship the Almighty God will be from every tribe, tongue, and nation.  God does not show favoritism!  The Gospel calls believers to forgive other people... and I don't read conditions attached to Jesus' teaching.  The Gospel tells us to love our neighbor!  How can we love one another if we don't trust one another!  The Gospel says that we are to hold the eternal state of another's soul above our own sense of justice.  Read first Peter!!!  This was his point time and time again to those suffering injustices from the government, or household codes.  At the heart of the Gospel is the idea of reconciliation!  God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a cross to pay the price for sin and offer reconciliation to the world.  Paul calls believers "ministers of reconciliation" in 2 Cor. 5.  Reconciliation should be at the heart of the church regardless of race.  If you are a believer, whether black or white, and are fueling the fire for division of any kind, much less racial issues, then shame on you!  You have missed the heart of the Gospel!  That does not mean that we don't engage in dialogue, but it means that you not quarrelsome or disrespectful in that dialogue.

One last reality... Most people, including those who claim Christ, are not driven by the Gospel, so reconciliation is not a value.  However, the Gospel must have its way with the church first, if the church is going to impact the world!  Please, I am asking that believers quit letting the narrative of the media drive their thinking, and allow the Gospel to saturate their actions and reactions.  It is the Gospel that can mend our trust issues!  Are you willing?


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