The Hidden Agenda!

"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."
Matthew 6:1

Like most things in life, it is not what you do that is important but why you do it in the first place. This applies to things that most would consider good and things that most would consider bad. The hidden agenda is what Jesus asks us to evaluate.

In Matthew 6:1, Jesus issues a warning to his disciples during the Sermon on the Mount. He tells them to be careful! Jesus is asking them to devote thought as to why they are doing their "acts of righteousness". Jesus will go on to talk about a few such acts, like giving to the poor, fasting, and praying. I think all of us can agree that these are good things, and in no way is Jesus telling His disciples to cease doing them. He simply wants them to give thought as to why they are doing what they are doing.

I don't know about you, but there are times that I have shied away from praying or fasting because I didn't want people to know I was doing them, yet they were appropriate at the time. Is it wrong for people to see you praying, observe you giving to the poor, or even know that your fasting? The answer is no! It is almost impossible to keep these things hidden all the time, but what we do keep hidden is our agenda. The solution is not to stop doing them, but to devote thought as to why we are doing what we are doing.

So what is the reason we ought to do those things? The Glory of God!!! Jesus already said that we are the light of the world. This light is not our own but that of the Lord Jesus. John says, "In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (John 1:4-5)" As believers, Jesus Himself, dwells within us and we don't reflect light but rather allow His light to shine through us. It is the beauty of intimacy! As we become less... He becomes more! So when you give, you do it because Jesus is prompting you to give and you are just being obedient. It's not about your glory but His! When you fast, it's because Jesus is prompting you and you are just being obedient! When you pray, it's because Jesus is prompting you, and you are simply doing what He asks. I think you get the point. It is all about living for the glory of Jesus!

Honorable motives always center themselves in the glory of God! Jesus tells us that God rewards honorable motives. Again, we don't do it because He rewards us (a little bit self-centered right?), but we do it because He calls us to and His reward is just icing on the cake.

So devote some thought today as to why you "do" what you do! Is it for God's glory or your own? Some examples to help your thinking...

1. Why do you sing or play an instrument in worship? (especially relevant to those that sing special music)
2. Why do you give your tithes to the church?
3. Why do you serve in AWANA?
4. Why do you tell others your story?
5. Why do you volunteer to pray before a class begins?
6. Why do you serve other people?
7. Why do you blog? :)
And the list goes on...

The same questions can be asked a different way. Why don't you...

Devote some thought to your hidden agenda today!


Kathy McClintock said…
Great thoughts...I'm going to print this for Keith to read. He's not a facebooker!

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