When I Feel Like a Failure... - Hebrews 4:14

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess."
Hebrews 4:14

The start of a new section and thought. It seems to be the pattern of the author of Hebrews to begin with a challenge to the reader followed by the explanation. Yet it seems that each of these challenges is connected to each other as well. It seems appropriate timing for this challenge to be issued which I will explain tomorrow, but first, I want to take a deeper look into the challenge itself.

"Therefore", the author's preferred transition word, "since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess." The challenge is to hold firmly to the faith we profess! I have already said that this book is all about faith. The author has been trying to convince a Jewish audience that God has always expected His people to be people of faith and the central figure of that faith being Jesus, the Son of God. The Old Testament points towards Jesus. Look at Hebrews 4:2... "For we also have had the Gospel preached to us just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith." Have you ever thought about it that way? The story has always been the same! It's the story of redemption and faith. It's as if throughout the entirety of Scripture God is screaming "WILL YOU BELIEVE ME?" It has always been about faith, so hold firmly to the faith you profess.

But if you're like me, this is something I could not do on my own. I fall short of being worthy of the Gospel, and find myself showing my unbelief at times. I find myself struggling with sin and giving in to its lure. I find myself leaning toward a me centered life as opposed to a Christ centered life. I desperately need help in this journey of faith that I am on. I find the words of Hebrews encouraging to know that I have a "great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God!" This challenge comes on the heals of the very daunting challenge to "make every effort to enter that (God's) rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience." Everything about us is laid bare before God and it is easy to feel like a failure. None of us can live up to the standards of a Holy God, but yet He demands holiness. God would not be God if He demanded anything less, and He knows that we need help... so He gives us Jesus! Tomorrow I will explain why this is such a glorious truth! I want to encourage you again to hold firmly to your faith. Everyday this faith is tested, and everyday we need to stand up and say... "I BELIEVE!"


David said…
Your not worthy of the Gospel?

It has been described to me that Grace is getting what we don't deserve.

It has been described to me that Mercy is not getting what we deserve.

Somewhere in the Bible it says through Grace we receive Mercy.

Through faith we partake graciously in His Kingdom today because of God's love and its this love I'd lay my life down Merciless for you and many others if our faith. Without Christ would we be as radicle as the shiites?
Jon Pickens said…
I am not, but He has given me that honor. That is grace! Do I feel like I deserve His grace? Absolutely not! But He has given it and I most happily receive it as His gift. All I was saying was that our lives don't always live up to the gospel, and God understands this so He gives us a sympathetic High Priest to help us in our weakness. I am down with that!
David said…
Let me leave you with encouragement from an old journal entry I wrote about 5 years ago and ask you to push it forward for the faith we share...

Evil is her, In your mind,
secrets from hell
seek til you find.
Worship another or any false God,
The answer is clear,
God your not.
Smile deceitly,
Apperar to be great,
Your learning to give
But Love to Hate.
Pretending for the moment
what's hidden from truth?
Wait - to be evil -
There is nothing but you.
Selfish ambitions,
motives that hurt,
foolish acquisitions,yet,
so much to be learned.
Never wrong,
no such thing as right.
The dark divides the day,
and the moon is its light.
Stars and the ocean,
collied before time,
planets set in motion,
but were never in line?
A cross for a Savior,
An apple for a man,
To some its no different,
Than Alice and Wonder land.
But for me I am writing,
with a will to convey
About a neutral place on earth
we live today.
Its as close to hell as a
Christian can get,
Not closer to heaven,
for the atheist.
If there was no religion,
or an unknown truth,
it would be a lonely world,
with only You.
Credit your ancestors
Family is crucial,
If you loved anyone,
Yourself would be mutual.
So how can you make it?
in a world all alone?
Or believe in nothing,
Others would condone.
What if that someone
was more important than gold
or what if you fail to listen
when you get old?
There is so many questions,
not enough time,
100 years in eternity,
would you still be alive?
Does it really matter how we live?
When consequences render discipline.
Responsibility and a will to survive,
Believe in nothing,
You always reap pride.
Kill yourself when your done,
or practice humility,
Learn from God's Son!!!
You can't win there is always two sides
It makes a whole picture, a genocide.
War with the Angels,
or war with ourselves,
All is nothing,
or something else.
There is two kinds of people,
Believe it or not,
Run around, Run around or run amuck
Foolish heirs still love someone,
What if I was just anyone?
I'm not follish nor claim to be God,
Just someONE
who cares

I call that ''with love''

p.s. you do encourage me.
David said…
evil is here... forgive the typo

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